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in response to abstacey's message

Keep in mind that Archer Cathro are a geology company that does not necessarily focus on gold. Their geologists have been in the Yukon since the 1960's, and have been involved in almost every ecomomic deposit discovery in some way, with the possible exception of these deep burden deposits Shawn Ryan has been finding. I wouldn't be surprised to find their fingerprints on the Casino deposit. Alan Archer was chief geologist for United Keno Hill Mines (the mining company at Keno/Elsa that is currently being revived by Alexco).

Companies I can think of right off the bat are Strategic Metals (SMD.V) True North Gems, Midnight Sun Capital Corp.,and ATAC resources. True North Gems isn't doing so well right now. No market for new beryl mines.

Northern Tiger is actually a company spun out of Firestone Resources and Sherwood Copper at entirely the wrong time -just before the crash of 2008. Thing to keep in mind here is that Lori Walton over at Firestone was actually very successful at choosing properties -she just chose a poor time to focus on zinc instead of gold. And Firestone found gold on the properties NTR now owns. Sherwood Copper, now Capstone, has a hugely successful track record at discovering copper/gold properties -just check out the success of the Minto mine. Northern Tiger is exploring some of the Capstone properties. If successful, they will have a ready and willing buyer in Capstone. They also have a property on the other side of the Yukon, near the Cantung mine, that promises to be a very rich high grade deposit. Long term, a very good bet. Short term, it depends on whether they can drill off 3Ace before snow flies.

Atac is quite simply my choice for the Yukon. After that, Kaminak.

The geologists from Hinterland have been wandering around in the Yukon for a couple of decades. They don't have much to show for it. But if you like long shots because they pay well... well, like I said, I've been up Ballarat Creek, and I quite simply believe the gold is there. Not only that, but the property is on the East side of the Yukon River, proximal to Kineross' White Gold -an important consideration, which will make it a takeover target if they successfully drill.

A lot of the companies that moved in after the success of the White Gold drill... well, some of them will pan out, some of them won't. Just because they have a property Shawn Ryan prospected doesn't guarrantee success.

Nuff said.

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