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in response to Buckshot26's message

Oro Silver (OSR) had some interesting results the Tuesday day. Got a big pop on the news but are back down today. Could be worth a punt....

What say you, Buckaroo?


--  65,000 indicated gold-equivalent ounces (310,000 tonnes at 5.82 g/t gold
and 59.1 g/t silver)
-- 41,200 inferred gold-equivalent ounces (234,000 tonnes at 4.94 g/t gold
and 45.7 g/t silver)

Highlights of the El Compas property based on what the Company has accomplished to date include:
--  6,713 metres of diamond drilling completed, testing three vein targets
(El Compas, El Orito, and EC-4) out of ten identified.
-- True width of veins average 7.2 metres for the El Compas vein and 3.3
metres for the El Orito vein.
-- El Compas vein zone is at least 200 metres long with vertical depth
continuity down to 150 metres below surface and is open at depth to the
north. The El Orito vein zone at least 350 metres long and is open to
the south and at depth. The mineralized veins are exposed at surface and
can be accessed by adits and ramps.
-- The El Compas vein was exploited by a small-scale underground operation
from 2003 to 2007, mining 50 to 60 tonnes per day.
-- Metallurgical test work on the El Compas vein material confirmed high
recovery by gravity separation and cyanidation, ranging from 92 to 98%
for gold and 50 to 71% for silver.
-- Currently completing an in-house preliminary mine plan and cost
estimation to produce an economic assessment showing cash flow analyses.

Quality Control

Oro Silver maintains a strict quality control program. All sample results generated by Oro Silver were submitted directly to Inspectorate Assay Laboratory, for preparation in Durango, Mexico, and analysis in Reno, Nevada. All samples submitted for analysis were of half-sawn HQ core. Analysis was conducted on 2 assay ton samples for gold and silver, with standards and blanks inserted every 30 samples. Analysis of gold was by fire assay, with a gravimetric finish on samples exceeding 3 g/t gold. Analysis of silver was by 4-acid digestion with an ICP finish, and with a gravimetric finish on samples exceeding 100 g/t silver. Oro Silver's project development programs are supervised by Mr. Thomas Bagan, P. Eng., Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President Operations. Mr. Bagan is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed the content of this press release.

About Oro Silver

Oro Silver is a silver exploration company pursuing early and advanced stage silver-based opportunities in Mexico. Oro Silver's corporate mandate is to develop properties toward silver production through a strategic business arrangement and development plan focused on advanced-stage projects with known silver resources that exhibit potential for expansion. The El Compas mine continues to be the cornerstone for Oro Silver's growth strategy in the Zacatecas silver district.


Darren Bahrey, President & CEO

Some statements in this release may contain forward-looking information. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to future exploration, resource estimation, development and production activities and future expenditures. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, among others, the time and success of future exploration, development and production activities and the timing and amount of expenditures.


Oro Silver Resources Ltd.
Darren Bahrey
President & CEO
604 646-1585
604 642-2411 (FAX)

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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