vdhingra's Profile

vdhingra's Posts

Re: 8-K

u-hoo ! Was abt time; good job mnkd.

about 11 years ago
Re: Adam Feuerstein's latest hit piece!

My favourite part: "The upper end of the confidence interval for the difference between Afrezza and Novolog was 0.36%, which didn't exceed the 0.40% difference that would have caused the study to fail. Therefore, MannKind can claim Afrezza Dreamboat is statistically non-inferior to Novolog -- hence a "positive" study -- but just barely".

Conviently side stepping the basic law of statistics that probability of one extreme of CI is the same as the other extreme.

about 11 years ago
ProBoards: not as pro

Can we come back ? Don't seem to find value in Proboard threads.

about 11 years ago
Re: We need to move forward and figure the best way

Love the idea. I have a few on my Watch-List as well: EXEL; LXRX; DVAX; TRGT; CYNO; IMUC. Love to keep talking to the group on the same. Have learned a lot on this forum.

about 11 years ago
Re: Confused: Out of Money Call preminus are down

Thanks all; that helps.

about 11 years ago
Confused: Out of Money Call preminus are down

Why would the premiums for Out of Money Call drop ? Was looking to sell some November call at 15 strike; the price seem to have droped in half from last week ? With the jump in the underlying this morning, should'nt that be up as well ? Any insights ?

about 11 years ago
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