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Re: Dropcam? See the Scheduele


over 9 years ago

Hi All,

It has been nice to see some of the old names lately with the surge in stock price. I have owned stock since 1997 (Norris days) and I have been a member of Agora since 2005. I keep an eye on things here as much as I can, but rarely post.

Question: What is the status of the Dropcam lawsuit? It is great that e.Digital still has some life in the old patents, but success with the new Nunchi patent patent portfolio would be awesome. Context awareness for smartphones and other devices (like home devices such as Dropcam) is already huge and this will be a tremendous growth area for all these types of devices in the next few years.

Thanks for any updates.

over 9 years ago
DASH7/Zigbee etc.

Does anyone have an idea whether e.Digital's NUNCHI might be working with DASH7 or ZigBee networking technology? e.Digital is not listed in the alliance members for DASH7 or Zigbee. Would Nunchi need to coordinate with such networking technology, or is it an alternative? Ideas?

over 12 years ago
Facebook buys Instagram for $1B--how about Nunchi?

Okay, Instagram has actually customers. If Nunchi is a great social network platform for cellphones, what might Facebook pay for it to become part of its Facebook App?

over 12 years ago
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