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Re: Anybody...anything.....

It means alot when someone paid 10-20 times more than that! Please explain to me how that has no meaning. Maybe I'm missing a point here. Just asking. I'm thinking we will be going thru this in 2013. Going to mark this post.

about 12 years ago
"0" is next

This thing traded to 0.0001 today, my next guess is it goes 0.0000 you can't go any lower than that! How frustrating! Like throwing money out the window.

about 12 years ago
Still waiting!

April,May,June, and now it's the middle of July and still no word from Brent on the future of this half million dollar company.(so he says on company profile) it is just amazing how huge corporations worth billions can get the job done faster. Is there even an office where the 2 employees of MTEK even work? Just tell us Brent is this all a big SCAM! I just had to vent board. Not my normal nature.

about 12 years ago
Re: Are we dead?

I couldn't have said it better myself. Brent has to come out with some kind of statement. As a shareholder I have a lot of money invested in this company. I am tired of being left in the dark and tired of reading the negative bulls-- t spoken about this company and people on this blog on Yahoo message board. A makes me wonder who is right and who has been ripped off! JMO

over 12 years ago
Answering E-mails

For what it's worth I e-mailed MTEK a few days ago questioning the people Brent hired to get this company back to trading. He did respond back to me the next day. He did not inform me on progress of S1 filing update. Just wish he was a little bit more INFORMATIVE.

over 12 years ago
Re: Question

You are 100% correct. This company has got to stop keeping shareholders in the dark. I e- mailed 2 days ago with questions and still no answer. I have been saving all information given to me by the company. Just in case it's needed for future reference.

over 12 years ago
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