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scott45's Posts

Re: RE: posting by Qwerty1029

Yeah, $5 is also my breakeven point for those preferred stocks. I also received some shares as dividends for a time, which I assume brings down my average cost a little.

I have some memories of thinking about selling when it was in the $1.50 range pre-split. I also remember a very brief jump up into the upper $2s after an article mentioned the project (I think in the Economist). This was a long time ago, so my memory might be off. I think my shares were still restricted at the time.

over 11 years ago
Re: RE: posting by Qwerty1029

I have been reading these posts for many years without writing. After reading yours, I went to do the math on my shares. I don't have as many, but have been around long enough to have purchased preferred shared and remember when it was around $1.40 pre split. Doesn't it need to get to $7.00 to equal the $1.40 pre-split not $70.00? 1.40 times 5 is $7. I'm going to be depressed if $70 is really the answer.

over 11 years ago
Re: Times of Oman

I agree. I consider this stock like a lottery ticket at this point. I've had it since they were trying to sell clothes and I don't want to miss its rise if it has one. I won't be selling until we hear news either way.

almost 13 years ago
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