sanvisor87's Profile

sanvisor87's Posts

Dumping stock

Bought this stock few years back ,kept in drawer. With all that's happened with this stock how do I go about selling my 11k shares ? Is the stock still restricted ? Would greatly appreciate any advise on selling stock.

almost 10 years ago
Re: 10-K

Not good!,,,,,

over 11 years ago
Good article

Yahoo finance CNBC-" no password just brain waves"

over 11 years ago

Man it's depressing reading this board.Its all a guessing game when it should not be if either of these 2 company's cared about their shareholders.they use words to keep us guessing (or hoping) like until or they give dates which come and go with nothing really confirmed.what it all boils down to is we will all find out if this is all really a scam or not very SOON! I know I will get scolded for using the word scam. GLTA

over 11 years ago
Re: PR

Very depressing! Div.does not even buy me a decent meal at a restaurant . All this waiting for what! And to top it off must wait 6months to sell.

over 11 years ago
Re: PR coming soon, MTEK's soon

To funny! It's gotten to that point, Better than crying I guess. GLTL

over 11 years ago
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