rbuono's Profile

rbuono's Posts

Re: Nemzter -- Re: China as a prospective partner?

Question for the group. Were the most recent options given to management free and effective now for hitting the milestones or are they timebound, ie. 33% per year they can exercise. For some reason I thought they were free and clear once they hit the milestones which right now if that is the case I do not like. Just wondering. I will try and track it down a bit later when I have more time but if someone knows this answer I appreciate. thx.

about 11 years ago
Re: So, did any early birds cash out a portion?

Thanks for your thoughts on this. No this is not a slam dunk like I thought it would be but I still think there is some money to be made. Maybe just not as much or in the timeframe we all thought, or at least I thought.


about 11 years ago
Re: "AfrezzaUser" Returns

They hired Greenhill and Company to do the partnership process for them . Take a look at their web site. They look big time. Never heard of them but maybe buyout not partner. Just guessing.


about 11 years ago
Re: So, did any early birds cash out a portion?

Baba, thanks for asking and I am looking for all the help I can find as I do not want to see these profits slip away. I was expecting a larger pop today and surprised we did not move back up this afternoon. Maybe some upgrades will be coming our way. The conf call was good but confusing. I hope the diabetes experts got what they wanted and now feel comfortable. Nor sure if that was accomplished. What are your feelings about the call?

I have the following:

Jan. 2014 strikes: 2's, 2.5's, 3's, 4's, 4.50's, and the lions share the 5's. In total I have 296 all very profitable.

Jan. 2015 strikes: 2.50's, 4's, 4.5 and 5's. All totaled 157.

I am now thinking that since the volatility has come out to some degree in the Jan 2014's , selling a good portion of the 5's and buying more of the higher strikes might be in order. Not sure which ones but suggestions are always welcome. I will let the 2015's sit and bake for partner and fda approval. At some point in time and hopefully before the end of the year, I was going to take the profits on my 2014 5 strikes and take the profits. With the profits purchase the lower strikes I have from 2's to the 4.5's and exercise to buy those. I was hoping for that to happen at a $15 level. We will see. I have about 5 months to see where we go.

about 11 years ago
Re: So, did any early birds cash out a portion?

Wow incredible. I have over a 6 figure profit in MNKD from about 7 months ago during my latest round of investing with mnkd. I am certainly no rookie in bio's. Why shouldn;t mnkd have a $5B market cap right now??? Why are you all so "grounded" on your price theories of $9 pps. I am truly sorry you are right and I am wrong on this one. Not that I am wrong with a huge gain so far and I do not have to make any decisions until Jan with my calls.

With a potential of $5B in sales maybe just a year or two away, why not 12-14?

about 11 years ago
Re: So, did any early birds cash out a portion?

Why so harsh? I can't have my own opinion of 12-14 outside of the rest of the board. If you thought the stock would only go to $9 and then a bit of a selloff you should have been out pre market and I hope you did. I am very long and when I compare this to other biotechs that have skyrocketed on this kind of great news I am shocked. Again, look at dndn. Went to 29 on their favorable good news then to 55 on FDA approval. What is it with MNKD. DNDN was wall streets wipping boy for many years. So has MNKD been. But our potential is what $5B, 10B, $15B in revenues. DNDN peaked out at the highest levels of about $3B. This is where I get my 12-14 comparisons. There are many other stories out there just like dndn. Maybe everyone is just waiting for Al to speak this afternoon. Lets see what happens in an hour.

about 11 years ago
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