rak5555's Profile

Poor mountaineer barely kept my family fed, then one day I was shooting for some food, and Mannkinds stock went flying through the roof.

rak5555's Posts

Re: MNKD Summer Street says 'suspicious' of MannKind AFFINITY trial

Not sure if this is what's causing drop, but obviously some folks are concerned. I am anxious to see how we trade on Monday, after options expiration.

about 11 years ago
Re: We need to move forward and figure the best way

Great idea. I'd be fine limiting to biotech, but why not small cap instead? I week ago, I would have said this is because my mnkd holdings will be so huge that I need to diversify out of bio.

about 11 years ago
Re: Today's Market: Is Tech Really Facing Problems At These Levels?

"Merrill Lynch reportedly says Afrezza's potential as a complement to oral in the Type 2 market is uncertain. "

Are they saying this because of weight gain and hypos? Does this really override the benefits of reduced a1c?

about 11 years ago
I Guess Its Too Late

to put that hedge in place before results come out. Like many on this board, I had good intentions but the PPS kept moving away and making a hedge too expensive.

Notice the P values are very strong. It will be difficult for the shorts to construct a hit piece on this data.

Leaving for rest of day but can check prices on phone.

about 11 years ago
It's What They Didn't Say That is So Very Positive

Think about it. How easy (and typical to the point of being expected) would it have been for them to say "Due to the volume of data and the critical need to be as accurate as possible, the trial results are taking longer to interpret than originally planned. Results should be available before the end of September."

I am relieved and encouraged.

about 11 years ago
Re: MannKind Corp. (MNKD) to Release Earnings on Friday

That should make for some interesting trading, especially the first option expiration following results release.

about 11 years ago
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