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nemzter's Posts

Re: chmith27 -- Re: China as a prospective partner?

I think for some of us it matters. As a shareholder, I for one, would love to know how these mofo's are getting compensated.

BTW - Love the Avatar!

about 11 years ago
Re: rbuono-- Re: China as a prospective partner?

That was my original assumption as well.

about 11 years ago
Re: Nemzter -- Re: China as a prospective partner?

Thanks Chris!

I beleive you are correct on this, I do have more shares than Matt!!! LOL

Although I would love to have some of those RSU's and options though.

about 11 years ago
Re: Nemzter -- Re: China as a prospective partner?

All good man, I'm in it because I really do believe in the science, but seeing these 100-200k swings nowadays I have to tell myself to just stay on course.

Yes it's nice to get the annoying and continuous phone calls when they want you to vote during the share holders meeting. LOL

Seeing the RSU's and Options given to management reassured me that they better meet approval, and Matt has a ton more shares than I do, thats for sure.

about 11 years ago
Re: Nemzter -- Re: China as a prospective partner?

LOL, sorry I've offended you with my pumper-like messages, I've been reading in too much on the Yahoo MSB.

Anyways, thanks for the comment, thats the type of information I've been looking for.

I'm not sure about the terms of the partnership, but the language to me from management looks more promising then the last 2 CRLS on if there will be some sort of partnership pre approval date, I mean, there has to be something in the mix because they will be dead in the water with no sales force.

A few things that keep me optimistic:

1. Mention of Greenhill as a potential negotiator in this process

2. Stock options given to management for meeting certain milestones

3. Deerfield agreement

4. Management actually meeting the milestones that they stated

5. Hiring additional headcount (did you see that they have 2 new positions as of 8/14/13?)

These are the type of catalysts that keep me overly optimistic (come on it's only biotech, I have to be, right?)

Full Disclosure - 90,000+ shares @ 2.26, so hell yeah, I'm looking for 10x my investment


about 11 years ago
China as a prospective partner?

For some odd reason, I still see this as a viable option. BP is losing quite a few patents, but will they have enought capital to fork up what Al is asking for?

The big money IMHO is in China and I'm sure if negotiations went long into the night the last time they had discussions, this time around will be different with the positive data results that they have in hand and the market potential they have in Asia.

This will definitely up Al's hand in negotiations, but would the US Gov't even allow China to fork up this technology if BP doesn't?

20-30B for a buyout, maybe? That's chump change if the Chinese gov't has their hand in it.

Oh good times ahead ...

about 11 years ago
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