mnpedaler51's Profile

mnpedaler51's Posts

Re: wow on a roll!

Just more manipulation. Nice while it lasted though.

about 9 years ago
Re: There's still life at this site,?

I still keep an I on it. The action is on Liane's and OPC11's boards.

almost 10 years ago
Re: An Article that IS Worth Reading

My problem with this article is this:

"Powdered insulin is placed into the chamber in an aspirin-like tablet, and closing the device crushes it into fine powder."

Just doesn't jive with my understanding after watching the videos at Mannkind and reading and listening for years now.

Anyone know for sure?

over 11 years ago
@karma - photo upload

Thanks for going to the ASM meeting everyone!

To upload a photo you need to have " graduated" to a "treasurer" I think. Offline, pass it alorg to Brentie or Lia or someone like that.

over 11 years ago
Oakdale, MN
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