marathonman20032003's Profile

marathonman20032003's Posts

Re: Impending PR / Share Manipulation


If this company did something, Just ANYTHING, I would be its biggest fan. I would love to stun the hell out of you with information, but I've got mothing. I threw down about 16 grand on the promise/possibilities of this company and haven't got anything but a name change (Jedm to MTEK) Thats all this company has done in two years is change its name. Anything else is what they claimed they are doing or will be "in the near future". I was sold when Brent talked about recording dreams "in the near future" (LOL)...

I thank Jeff Dashefsky for taking the time to return my calls and emails, I wish he were running the show, most likely things might get done faster. What the hell happened to the 10 yard line??????

over 11 years ago
Re: Impending PR / Share Manipulation


Don't bother emailing company. While you will be impressed by a quick response by their PR guy, and he will get back to your question, you will realize over time the vagueness of their answers such as the words "plan" and "soon" seem to be their favorites. Over the probably 100 email/phone exchanges I have had with "management" NEVER have they told me ANYTHING that came out to be true..and they told me a lot of crap.. Most of the time, however, I got the response we will have a PR out "soon" to cover those questions, which their next PR was so vague, it did not cover my questions.

Did you know? I have owned 1.6 million shares since December 2010 when Brent climed a buyback of shares, gaming tournament with headset, many other statements that never came out to be in their plans..

Did you know? Jeff told me the day after they were pinned by the SEC (June 2011) that MTEK would never be on greys for more than a couple of days.

over 11 years ago
Re: Let's Keep some Civility Here People.

and to add to that, please no name calling or vulger language toward others on this board. I would hope we are way above that.

over 11 years ago
Re: Any news on PR?

I asked Jeff ..He said soon...I was not satisified with the vagueness. He said hopefully by end of week. Not for sure how it was put on this board that PR was coming last week or early this week, but obvoiusly that was wrong.

almost 12 years ago
Re: I will be interested to see...

are you implying the share price skyrocketing??? if so, why next week?

almost 12 years ago
Re: How about this for a refreshing change?

well I am glad you agree with me on one thing BigCat. (goal line)

- I believe you misinterpreted my venting yesterday. I am not insinuating this company is run amuck/lying..but companies do put false statements in PR's everyday, so yes false/misleading statements IS a possiblility, but I hope not.

-I'm not asking this company to provide the blueprints BigCat, just an advertisement with a picture (proving its revolutionary/small/unnoticeable) I want to be convinced they have this. Wouldn't they want big corporations sniffing around Cardiff? and if they truly have this technology, why hasn't any company bought them out (on the cheap)

-Its only human (of me) to review emails from Jeff and break it down and try to decide why answers are NOT specific (dont get me wrong-I appreciate Jeff for responding to me when he does), or untrue (hiring of firm to get MSO trading, MTEK close to trading, form S1, then no form S1, then back to Form S1, then reverse merger:, stock buy-back to there will be no buy-back: quarterly conference calls to no more conference calls)

Sorry BigCat, I am human (I question things)

almost 12 years ago
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