louis22's Profile

louis22's Posts

Re: for merger

Voted 820,000 shares for merger.

about 14 years ago
Re: Spider's AGM

Un merci du Québec. Je remerci sincerement Snug et les autres représentants des actionnaires pour leur implication afin de faire avorter le RS. C'est grace a des gens comme eux si j'ai porté d'avantage attention a la résolution proposée.Sans ce site cela m'aurait propablement échappé. Je suit un actionnaire important et je me suit empressé de voter contre.

Merci beaucoup et il ne reste plus a espérer un gain appréciable pour faire un don a une oeuvre qui tient a coeur Snug soit le Noel de McDonald pour les enfants.


over 16 years ago
Change of hands

At 13.44 Hrs 400,000 shares have changed of hands. The baying and selling was done with TD Sec. does someone can explain that?

almost 17 years ago
Drill program

We know that BMK start his drill program(press realese of nov 13) D,oes some other are drilling now?

almost 17 years ago
Re: Noront ... Louis22

If your question is about a "reverse split" I hope the don't do that.

All the stocks who do a "rivers split" " one for two is not god for the price of stock.Less expensive is a stock and much pooples are4 interested in it

almost 17 years ago
Re: Noront ... Louis22

Thank you Snug,

      I hope you are wright with 2.50. I think that it,s possible. I follow SPQ since 10 years and I think that 0.10 is the floor for the moment.

     I bought some at 0.13 and 0.11 but I was waithing to by a lot at 0.10 and I got it.

     If Spider go to 2.50 I peomise you two chtistmas donation for 2008.

      thanks again for al information you give to us.


almost 17 years ago
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