jdunn001's Profile

jdunn001's Posts

Re: No News is Good News

Nuts! I want news. Good news. And I want it now. I've had to sell this Krap to pay bills each month and I'm tired of getting only 10% of what I put into it. I can't afford this. F! any of you that tell me to be patient because of “encouraging discussions.” Five years of encouragement does not pay my bills.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Crystallex Reports Noteholder Claim Dismissed

That's a good question, midasinvz. I'm curious about this too. As I understand it, "costs" is a broad term and could mean anything from the fees charged by the court to file papers up to everything including all attorneys fees and even fees charged by expert witnesses. Sometimes costs are reimbursed by a statute that specifies what may be reimbursed, and sometimes it is all at the court's discretion. I have no idea in a case like this if the court is granted discretion to have the losing plaintiff pay the winning defendant's attorney's fees, only court costs, or what. Perhaps someone has a better idea of what it means in this case specifically.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Crystallex Comments on Market Activity...

I certainly don't think so, rather I believe the opposite. What I read from this is that they are working on a deal, those who bought so much today know that a deal is close so they have to act fast, but because the deal is not done it is not a material event and it would be reckless of the parties involved to tip their cards by saying anymore than they have.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Crystallex Comments on Market Activity...

Yes: "At the request of Market Surveillance, on behalf of the Toronto Stock Exchange, Crystallex is issuing this press release...."

almost 15 years ago
Re: Crystallex Comments on Market Activity...

Agreed. Someone knows something - solid expectation of a resolution within the next few days is not a "material undisclosed corporate development" until that expectation becomes reality.

almost 15 years ago
Re: our favorite punching bag...

HAHA! So gross!!

about 15 years ago
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