jackal26's Profile

jackal26's Posts

Re: sick and tired.....

just to remind all, Golden Eagle ended up doing very well, lets hope Zen follows suit. Good luck to all .

almost 11 years ago
sick and tired.....

went thru the same nonsense with Golden Eagle, bought zen

at $3,56 did my \DD needless to say i am mad as hell. THIS PLAY IS BEGINING TO SMELL REAL BAD.

almost 11 years ago
price of gold...........

I cant see how the price of gold at $1300+ can have any negative effect on gold stocks other than a positive one ,small fluctuations of $20 + is a drop in the ocean, now if we had $100 swings that would be an all together different story , I am sure it has everything to do with month end and people on the finger . When gold was at $600 + my gold stocks were doing just fine. jmo. thx

almost 14 years ago

Any word as to when our man West is going on BNN ,I know he wont but it would be nice if he scolded that moron from Pinetree with regards to his unfounded remarks about GNH. I know this has been said before but I am always amazed that these guys that spout off over subjects they know nothing about can get away with it,when it comes right down to it he plain lied and he should be held accountable. TIA and so it goes.

about 14 years ago

Every single high flying stock that i have been invested in over the last 30 years has been a rollercoaster ride, and its the same old story ,when they are up everyone is happy but when they start to drop people start pointing fingers, blaming insiders for dumping ,blaming posters for pumping ,crying about manipulation and a host of other evils that has befallen them, Golden Eagle drove me nuts but in the long run everything worked out just fine ,i could name dozens of stocks but if you now the game ,you are already aware of the dangers of investing in the highly volitile penny market. This stock has had a wonderful run up , and once the dust has settled it will, i promise you rise again because thats just the way this market works ,so stop blaming everyone else for what has just transpired .As i have said on other forums were the same blame game occured, if you dont like what is happening sell and move on ,its that simple .And finally thanks for all your hard work Hoov , And so it goes.

about 14 years ago
Re: Maybe The Pumpers Here Can Write A Small Ditty To Put A Floor Under This Dog.

every decent play goes through these growing pains nothing has changed this stock will prove its self ,but the Jackals are out there feasting on weakness, hang tough everyone.

about 14 years ago
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