invest_cash's Profile

invest_cash's Posts

What then?

To All:

Let's say we manage to vote off all of the BOD members (something I'd loved to see). Who is left to run the company following the Jan/2011 annual meeting?. Do they stay until new members are nominated and the new board is in place?

JTOPS (just thinking about possible scenerio)

almost 14 years ago
My Proxy Vote-Withhold Authority For Individual Nominee 01, 02, 03.

I just voted against the three stooges. For a moment, I imagined, maybe it’s my vote or maybe your vote will be enough to send them packing. Dream on!, maybe, Yes We Can!!

Merry Christmas To You All

almost 15 years ago
Nick Trendennick = Member of TPL's Advisory Board

Could Nick be the TPL's mole on our BOD?

How's that for conspiracy , JMHO

over 16 years ago
Re: I'm surprised no one has thought of this possibility: In exchange

Agora: Please cleanse thecleanser, ILOD

over 16 years ago
Re: Opinions, Anyone????

IMO JT and BOD should wait until 5/31/2008 for M&A and let this agreement expire worthless. That's why we are in a holding pattern.  It's best we keep the money in the bank and wait. I'm sure Swartz has his claws dug deep and will cost us big $. I'm ready to wait, even if it takes another 12 months or more to see this leech dry up and wanish. Another topic we should discuss is our PR's and all the credit TPL is getting. Take a look at TPL's web site, very little on no mention of Patriot yet our site shows them as our partner. Yeh, partner my a--, they are in this for themself only. I hope JT is smart enough and spends a lot of time planning our future and ways to control our own destiny.

over 16 years ago
Re: Current sp - invest-cash

Cautious-valid points but through warrant S&L received their shares at very attractive prices. Selling these shares at any price is profitable for them. It's just a matter of how greedy do they want to be. What I'm saying, for them "profitable at any price". It will be interesting to watch price action when S&L is gone. I hope we are both around to see that day. Got to go, Steelers and Jag are on (long time Steeler fan, going way back to Jack Lambert's days). Thanks for your reply and enjoy the weekend.

over 16 years ago
Niagara Region
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