i963208's Profile

i963208's Posts

Re: Was the 30 milligram study started after

What does this mean for FDA approval. Is this going to affect the outcome. Another study. Why is this study being done now and was not done previously. This makes me very nervous. I am all in big at 1.98.

about 11 years ago
New medicine

I have discussed mnkd with many doctors at my hospital where I work. Some are extremely excited about this potentially new way to treat diabetes. With diabetes growing at an astronomical rate, we as a society are in desperate need for some new type of therapy. I am all in till August news. If the news is good, I am all in till FDA approval. Good luck to all.


about 11 years ago
Re: Short interest????

Hi everyone. I am new to the board but have been following and reading for about ten months. This is very exciting. I am a nurse and believe me know the impact that this will have on the diabetic population. This board is amazing. It is so informative. I have learned so much from you guys. Thanks so much. I hope with positive results in August, that we will prevail over the FDA.

over 11 years ago
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