hopetoretire's Profile

MNKD owner since IPO

hopetoretire's Posts

Re: I can't get new postings

There aren't any. I think you can turn off the lights when you leave.

about 11 years ago
Re: Here come the haters

At first glance, results maybe seem short of Al's past enthusiasm, but I am pretty happy being invested in a drug that again is proven to be equal to or superior to injected insulin, with it's millions of users. By the way, you don't have to stab yourself with a needle over and over again to get the same or better results. It doesn't have to cure diabetes to be a blockbuster success. It only needs to be accepted by a percentage of current SC insulin and metformin users, and then start to conquer a very high percentage of new patients diagnosed every month. How many of the newly diagnosed people look forward to needles?

about 11 years ago
Re: Old class action suit question?

I don't want to scour all the old SEC filings, but I think it was reported that the settlement is paid by E & O insurance.

over 11 years ago
Re: Valuations


Thanks for the time you spent explaning your viewpoints and calculations.

It may be that the difference between $7.20/sh, or truly being the blockbuster, retirement money that we have hoped for, is in adoption as widewpread treatment of huge and exploding type 2 market.

We just spent a week visiting a friend who is type 2 and on Metformin. He lost sleep several nights during our visit due to gastro-intestinal problems caused by the drug. (very common side effect apparently) That meant, not only was he miserable, nauseated and with diarhea, but he went to work sleep deprived and frustrated. He will welcome relief from these side effects if a new treatment is safe, easy, effective and has less of such 'quality of life' issues. I am investing some money on the belief that MNKD has such a drug, that it will be approved this time, and that there are many many millions of people like him.

almost 12 years ago
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