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Re: Really kinda Dig these type of articles!

I also picked out that 2025 prediction as just plain stupid. Anyone who thinks they can predict 12 years in advance should go back 12 years to 2001 and check the predictions for iPhone sales LOL, Citibank stock price, the Iraq war, the price of gold, or just about anything else you can think of.

about 11 years ago
Re: MannKind earnings release - After Market Close

There is no press release, because there is no conference call scheduled. When MNKD releases other SEC required filings they do not issue a press release until the filings are made public. The purpose of the advance notice is so that investors can plan to listen to or participate in the conference call.

While some may consider Friday after the close timing as a way to bury the news, it is also a way to allow everyone time to digest the news without giving some an unfair advantage and without needing to halt trading. For this reason my guess is that the trial data will also be released next Friday after the close.

about 11 years ago
Re: Red Acre Investments: Positive Trials But Further Capital Raisies Ahead

"October Warrants" are definitely discussed.

I met this guy at the 2010 annual shareholders meeting in Danbury. He was probably long MNKD and was recommending LEAPS going into the 2nd CRL. I have even seen him commenting on the Yahoo board in the past (don't think it was an imposter). My guess is that he lost money after the 2nd CRL but made it back and then some during our current run up to $8.

I would say that this is just a realistic assessment from a hard headed biotech investor, and it is essentially correct. Where I think more optimistic longs might differ with him is in pricing the long term potential. A hard headed look at TSLA, AMZN, NFLX might have yielded similar pessimism. And let's not even mention the likes of DNDN, which might not have justified $50/share even if it had been widely adopted.

I think RedAcre believes in the science, but not the financing. But this is where Al Mann is definitely the wild card and may make conventional figuring incorrect.

And speaking of that middle eastern country, why doesn't Al-Waleed bin Talal just buy the whole thing? lol

about 11 years ago
Re: Just posted: Adam F predicts positive trial results

No "professional Investor" was willing to say that the Afrezza trials would not be successful. But you are exactly right, Brentie, that AF has conceded this before and pointed out that there are still many more hurdles to success including approval and successful marketing. I say rejoice, as this is exactly why Afrezza still has considerable, even incredible, longterm upside potential. That is if it becomes as important a drug as Al Mann thinks is possible.

about 11 years ago

This is really a strange article. It seems to combine a summary of previous information about Technosphere Insulin with a lab study. Using cell cultures with similar properties to lung tissue and a comparison with an agent know to permenantly increase cell permeability (bad) it concludes that TI does not increase permeability.

Surely MannKind must have sanctioned this study by making the TI available. This seems like graduate level work at best because of the muddling of the positive review of past TI research with the actual study being presented. Also I would expect something of this nature coming out of India would have perfectly gramatical English.

On a side note brought up in this thread...the mysterious $200 million order from a Middle Eastern country...As we know Al likes to talk, sometimes a bit too much. What he said over 2 years ago was that a Middle Eastern country had said they would be intersted in buying $200 million worth of Afrezza if it was available. That comment was almost certainly the result of a casual conversation in Israel, where Al has many contacts (Technion), and not any kind of real offer backed by hard cash.

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind

I have to do my part to create the longest thread in history.

I continue to hold way too much of my portfolio in MNKD. Fortunately I followed Al's lead and continued to buy as the stock was diluted to hold on to my share of the company ( +/- 0.0000004% ?).

But now I am holding a lot of calls, and as the price rises I continue to sell my deep in the money calls and replace them with at the money calls of the same date. I'm trying to take money off the table without limiting my upside too much. I still think there is a chance for some irrational exhuberance if the data is strong.

As for the MNKD investors' party, the suggestions sound good, but if we want Al to attend lol maybe it should be in his home town of Las Vegas.

about 11 years ago
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