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dizzy's Posts

Write Off

So if we can not sell our shares of mtek, can we still get a tax write off or are we screwed on that also?

about 11 years ago
Re: Check Your Accounts Folks.

There was never any doubt that vois would be at or near an all time low when we got our shares. All part of the scheme. Now the hard part. Creating more news to try and run up the price again. Are there enough suckers left out there? Stay tuned folks

over 11 years ago
Re: VOIS Receives Funding.

You can only fool people so many times before they wise up. vois was trading between 6 and 9 cents before they hooked up with Brent's company. I think his name is poison. This is really funny watching them try the same old tricks to move the share price. Looks like the fish are no longer biting. lol

over 11 years ago
For All My MTEK Friends

Before you buy, remember I am 100% investing in penny stocks. I lost every time. This could finnaly be the one. The symbol is drop. Do your own DD. Conference call info below. They have a message board on this site. I guess in about one year, I will want these guys in prison also. LOL, Good luck, Dizzy

Replay Information
US Toll Free: (877) 660-6853
Conference ID: 415071
Available Until: June 5, 2013

over 11 years ago
Brent really is very smart

You all know what I think of him. But even I must admit that he was very smart running this scam. Also he continues to make the right moves to keep it going. Not only does he now have ready made shareholders to keep up the vois volume, he has given everyone a sliver of hope that mtek may come back to life some day. This will keep everyone off his back for now while he switches the scam from mtek to vois. Very clever

over 11 years ago

sperri, I guess we will never know what their motive was. All I know is how I feel now. They did not seem like nice people, so maybe they just wanted to hurt Brent. If I turn basher, it will be to let investors know that they are drawing dead with any investment with Brent

over 11 years ago
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