dale platt's Profile

dale platt's Posts

Re: MNKD.proboards.com Information request

Chris, your directions were a great start. Thanks a million.

I had to go to the google search engine to get there, because the yahoo search engine got me into the most confusing discussions, etc. you have ever seen.

about 11 years ago
Re: MNKD.proboards.com Information request

Thanks alot, Chris!

I'll give it a try.

If I have anymore problems, I'll post it here at Agoracom, so you can reply if needed. I hope...

about 11 years ago
MNKD.proboards.com Information request

I registered on MNKD.proboards.com. I was accepted after providing my email address and my 'verified' email address. Then I received an activation key, which I click onto. I was approved via my email address.

Now, will someone from this previous agoracom board lead me step by step to the DIRECT conversation area to read all of your DIRECT comments about MNKD. I can't locate that area. Please lead me to it step by step after I type in - MNKD.proboards.com.

Thanks. Waiting for a response...

about 11 years ago
Re: Anyone interested in using another board platform?

I appreciate your wondering about me, chmith27. After listening to the conference call, I couldn't put the pieces together, so I thought I would just lay low and read every logical message board response I could. The only one that adds up has appeared by OntoPlanningaCruise and Qqueue83. I just got back from being out all day and recovering from the selloff and reading the best interaction I have read - by far.

I'm going to get some shut eye now. I'm heading to West Virginia all day and night tomorrow, so I'll try to login to the new site when I get back.

You guys really don't need my lack of expertise after what OntoPlanningaCruise and Qqueue83 had to say tonight (this morning, actually); however, I'd be honored to follow along, so I could get edumacated.

Good luck to everyone on the Agoracom board.

One question though...Does anyone expect Deerfield (sp.) to back out of the Sept. 6th tranche due to the selloff or the data release?

about 11 years ago
Re: David Kuo reflects on market volatility

Oops! When I highlighted Kuo's article, it looked like the entire article copied, but it only posted a snipit.

If you don't want to give your email address and view the entire article, just go to Yahoo Finance. Click the 'Asia' market box. Then click the very small 'more' box on the far right of the screen. Scroll down the page and click the 'The Next Big Threat' to read Kuo's article in it's entirety.

It's helpful and informative regarding the instability in the markets of late.

over 11 years ago
David Kuo reflects on market volatility

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over 11 years ago
dale platt
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