bamajag's Profile

bamajag's Posts

Re: Opt in

I have been a holder of close to 7000 shares and have watched the board over the last 10 years through the ups and downs, mostly downs. With everything happening on the board, I decided to stand back and keep my mouth shut because I had nothing to add of importance. I just kept up to date with the happenings with posts throughout the years. I guess now with what is going on with the opt in, I need to make my presence known. With that said, I want to say thanks to all of you who have kept the board alive and informed. Without you, I would have no clue on what is going on.

over 8 years ago
Re: CVG said MOC is cancelled including Clause #19 and no 90 day window

Maybe they have brainwashed themselves in believing their own crap. After awhile, you start believing in the lie you are telling if you repeat it enough. I believe the whole country is that way. Sooner or later, the only way to get Hugo's attention, to do business the right way, is a huge judgement. Why not now?

over 13 years ago
Re: What do you make of this? Any thoughts?

Lagging a bit behind and didn't see it was already talked about.

over 13 years ago
What do you make of this? Any thoughts?

Crystallex International (KRY) out of luck; may NOT seek arbitration recourse

VHeadline Reporters: Contract lawyers have told Toronto-based gold miner Crystallex International (KRY) that their luck is out and they don't have a leg to stand on if they seek to pursue a case for International Arbitration against the Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) over the cancellation of a Mine Operating Contract advised to the Canadian company a week ago.

While the original MOC signed in 2004 specifically stated that the initial exclusivity period was for 20 years extendible for one or two periods of ten years with the previous agreement of both parties Clause 19 of the contract (dealing with settlement of conflicts) specifically states that "any doubts and controversies of any nature whatsoever that may arise out of the performance of this contract and which may not be amicably settled by the parties shall be decided by the competent courts of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with its laws, and in no case and for no reason may they give rise to claims before foreign courts."

Essentially this means that Crystallex has previously agreed with the CVG not to go to arbitration and that it may not resort to international courts. It is considered unlikely that the company could even launch a preliminary hearing for summary judgment and/or that potential arbitrators might even consider such a suit in the first place.

VHeadline Reporters

over 13 years ago
Re: % gainers

We are under $2.00. If I am not mistaken, the gainers list is for stocks above $2.00.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Kry's investment in Vz

How long will that take? About the same amount of time to get the permit?

over 16 years ago
Jacksonville, Florida
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