aquavist's Profile

aquavist's Posts

Re: Quick question

Thanks Brentie, that is the article that prints it in abc. Very greatful for all your guidance going back to last fall. Clearly this is a case of "stay the course".

about 11 years ago
Quick question

Thanks in advance for any/all input. Am I correct to understand superiority on both Type 1 and Type 2 outcomes?

about 11 years ago
Re: Price movement

Rarely do you see a call for a stock price to include the cause and affect of the broad mkt on that value. Clearly we are at a crossroads with Bernanke statements and bond action over the past month. We continue to be a risk-on stock which inherits the effects of mkt volatility. This enables the market makers to shake the pps on a volitile basis before the next stage buyers move in. And where will the broad mkt be at mid-late August?

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind

Will most likely require a continued broad market correction, which certainly looks plausible at this point.

over 11 years ago
Re: Schaeffer's Options

It very well could have been your post, Trend. And for that, my sincere thanks for your willingness to share with everyone. And although MNKD hasn't reached the finish line, the opportunity allowed you to go all in and take a decent profit before going the rest of the journey with the house money. That's the only personally responsible manner for me to go forward at this point. The outstanding dynamics of this play can be identified in the thorough history of testing of Afreeza/Dramboat, the history of a very large number of investors/traders who are aware of the run catalysts, and finally the MM's who will take this and run it up and down the flagpole repeatedly once they have determined the inflection points. Certainly one for the books.

over 11 years ago
Schaeffer's Options

"Since early May, the equity has skyrocketed on support from its 10- and 20-day moving averages; and those trendlines have yet to be truly tested, so upwardly oriented is MNKD's recent trajectory."

Personally, my eyes about popped out of my head last autumn at the very obvious dynamic profile of MNKD. It was a no brainer to go all in. Special thanks to all of the contributing members of this board and whomever provided the link here over at Yahoo.

How anybody in their right mind would risk shorting this stock is beyond me.

over 11 years ago
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