almannfan's Profile

almannfan's Posts

Re: We need to move forward and figure the best way

I would be interested to learn more about the other stocks you all are researching. I am looking for my next big play after MannKind.

My big 3 were Arena, Osiris and MannKind. MannKind was supposed to make it big a couple of years ago, so I could reinvest the a big portion of the profits into Osiris by now, but...c'est la vie.

about 11 years ago
Re: Just posted: Adam F predicts positive trial results

Did Cramer cover his short position, then??

about 11 years ago
Re: Conference News ???

Thanks so much for clarifying, Baboriley. This makes much more sense. I think you are right regarding the license agreements.

And, yes, they already have the agreement with Torrey Pines for a new, fast acting pain medication...In addition, it will be interesting to see what they do with Wine Blast.

over 11 years ago
Re: Conference News ???

That would make much more sense, Trend-diver!

over 11 years ago
Re: Conference News ???

For those that attended the conference: did you infer that Al was going to select just one partner for Technosphere, or did he suggest that they might be many?

The reason I ask is that....If you recall, they were really close to announcing a partnership agreement (maybe about 5 years, ago). I believe they backed out at the last minute, because the potential partner wanted rights to Technosphere in addition to the marketing/distribution rights for Afrezza. Al wanted to hold on to the delivery platform at the time, as it would be much more valuable after commercialization of Afrezza.

That said, I am expecting him to license the delivery platform technology to multiple partners for various indiciations...unless the price was right from one interested party.

over 11 years ago
Re: Adam Feuerstein

I suspect Adam F./ Jim Cramer are still holding a bunch of shorted shares and still need to cover....

over 11 years ago
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