afrezzauser2's Profile

afrezzauser2's Posts

Hello Everyone

I wanted to let everyone know I am still alive on Novolog. Had a bad low recently...go figure......Counting down the months till I am back on Afrezza. THis disease was so easy to manage with Afrezza compared to the crap I have to deal with now. I am looking forward to seeing the results to see how I compared to them. Once the results are public I will come back and share more information about my experience.

about 11 years ago
Will be posting a video on youtube Sunday of myself taking Afrezza

I will be posting a short video of myself using the inhaler and taking a dose of insulin while I was on the trials. This will demonstrate to all the diabetics how easy it is to use. I will make a post here once I put it up

over 11 years ago
Re: How do I upload an article?

The primary problem with afrezza is that everyone puts the word inhaled in front of it. I never talk about the owrd inhaled as it has nothing to do with the true benefits...Afrezza is the fastet insulin ever to be brought into the world that mimics the pancrese. INhaled is just a conveniance.

over 11 years ago
Seeking Alpha deleted one of my responses

  • This has to be the 2nd biggest garbage on Afrezza I have ever came across after Adam Feuersteins. You are a disgrace to humanity and all diabetics who need an insulin that reduces deadly lows. I wont even refute your claims as others have already done that. You honestly thing that the biggest benefit of Afrezza is an A1C? A type 1 diabetic for 10 years I have never been able to control my blood sugars as I have on Afrezza. My a1c and fasting sugar are the proof of that. But lets just forget that. Lets talk about how I went from daily lows to practically non existent lows on Afrezza. Lets talk about my son not having to fitness his father rushing to fridge before passing out or having an episode of low blood sugar which mimic drunkenness. You know what? I did this without counting carbs and eating normal foods without gaining weight. I suppose you really cannot understand what it means to have an insulin that hits you in 12 minutes and has a peak duration in about 15-25 minutes with no crashes. This means I can have a meal at 11pm if i want to snack and check my blood sugar at 11:45pm knowing that I can go to bed and not worry about going into a coma at night. Do you know how many people I know of that this has happened to? Half a dozen. Some found dead in the morning. You are a total disgrace! ps I love how you included the word likely as to cover yourself. Comical!

over 11 years ago
Some additional thoughts.

In my opinion the FDA is pondering the issues with lows and non compliance among diabetics from the fear from lows. I ask anyone here with a common sense to answer a logical question. If you had to control your own blood sugar do you think you can achieve a more normal sugar with an insulin that starts working in 12 minutes and mostly out of your system in 40 minutes or and insulin that does not start working for 1.5-2 hours and stays in your system for 5 hours. Do you realize by the time your initial dose is out of your body you probably already eat again or snacked so you really never know where you are exactly. Now take into consideration that you are told if your blood sugar drops below a certain number you will go into a coma. Now what will you do when you are hungry at 10pm and want a snack? Are you going to live your blood sugar high which slowly kill you or will you take humolog or novolog knowing that you are sleeping while your sugar keeps dropping and if you dont wake you will die by the morning. No thanks for me. Been there before and barely saved....I rather take Afrezza at 10pm knowing I can go to bed at 11pm with 0 chance of having a low at night since Afrezza is out of my system so quickly...

These trials are more than just about an a1c people.

over 11 years ago
wow what garbage response

Wow. That article is total garbage. I was on humolog and novolog for 10 years. I had wild swings from lows and highs. Almost went into a coma 2 times....

While on Afrezza I had 0 severe lows in 6 months while reducing my a1c to the lowest its been for years. No big spikes after meals and no crashes. Afrezza will be a life saver for me as I cannot handle the lows mentally and physically. If any diabetic ever had a severe low and Afrezza is available they would never go back to humolog or novolog. I think you have to be very knowledgeable or have to be diabetic to comprehend why todays insulins kill! Yes they keep us alive but kill 1 in 20 of us as there is no way to perfectly calculate your meals when current insulins lower your sugar for 4-5 hours. For me Afrezza was I would say 90% out of my system in less than 40 minutes. Afrezza for me was able to keep my sugars from spiking even above 120 if I took the correct dose. Even if I was off I could correct it in 20 minutes. Now take humolog and nolovog today. The other day it took 2 hours for it to even work on me. Total Joke! It seems these people writing these garbage articles have no relatives that are diabetic and only care about the destruction of a lafe saving product for personal gains.

over 11 years ago
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