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Re: Other then for PCs, APPLE has uses ARM chips made by ??? OPTY

"Which I suspect we can describe as unauthoritative?"

Certainly unprovable by me, which is an entirely different thing.

Based upon provable I might be influence to spend money.
Based upon authoritative I'm likely to be influenced to NOT spend money.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Other then for PCs, APPLE has uses ARM chips made by ??? OPTY

My information does not come from written sources and so can be considered hearsay. As hearsay it carries no authority other than what you personally are willing to attribute to me, an anonymous entity, based upon the history of statements I have made on this forum, your assessment of my motives, and your estimate of my ability to critic my own information sources. That is what I mean when I apply the disclaimer, "to my knowledge".

almost 13 years ago
Re: Other then for PCs, APPLE has uses ARM chips made by ??? OPTY

The first two licences granted, the one to Intel by TPL (acting alone) and the one granted to AMD by PTSC (also acting alone) are to my knowlege the only two which which cover downstream customers of their chips. I am suprised that Intel and AMD do not advertise this information, but perhaps they feel their market share is high enough that sales would not be significantly affected and speaking on the matter at all only gives strength to MMP.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Origins of the MMP by Greg Bailey - thanks for finding what?

Just to clarify: the comments I just made in this thread were directed at "jldmt" regarding the endorsement of unsubstantiated "information" presented by "fs2006".

On the other hand you, FLEECED SHEEP, continue to amaze me by your leaps of "logic". When talking about the value of PTSC shares and in the context of who owns what percent of the IP you state, "now with a 100% owned by others according to your post". Are you referring to IP ownership? Where does that come from? Who is the "you" in "your post"? Perhaps it is not a failure of logic but rather a disability in expressing yourself clearly.

Whichever it is, the outcome is the same. You have a strong need to speak, but you rapidly extrapolate from information you have not examined critically. Neither do you examine your own statements critically before you publish them. You even accept your own extrapolations as new facts. In short, you are a perfect gossip machine. When the number of your kind reaches critical mass a forum can become almost useless for anything but incoherent rants.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Origins of the MMP by Greg Bailey - thanks for finding what?

This text apears to be an extract because of its use of quotes and especially underlines for emphasis but it contains NO CITATION references. Where did these statements come from? What is their authority?

almost 13 years ago
Re: Enough Already.....PTSC, TPL, Mr. Moore

A plead for compromise sounds to me as naive as asking a vulture to spare incipient carrion. The vulture's strategy is to control the perimeter, delay and wait for it's prey to expire.

Rather than chatting with the other bovines in the queue asking for the ethical treatment meat animals one should be looking for the exit door to the slaughter house. Make no mistake about where those beyond the fencing consider themselves to be in the food chain.

almost 14 years ago
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