Trend-diver's Profile

Trend-diver's Posts

Re: 9 out of 17 companies acquired...


Are you taking into account the huge short position? The price could get very irrational if the results are good. But what if the results are great? We could easily see the SP go parabolic again.


about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind


I have to admit that when I said its "go time" at $1.90 it was not based on any charting but my belief that it was a low risk entry point. The company had just finished its Oct. 2012 funding, dilution and the price consequences of the dilution had taken place and the all you could lose was $1.90 per share and you had the CEO,putting up $1 billion. To me, those factors made MNKD a compelling buy at $1.90.

As to charting, sometimes certain patterns can be highly predictive. In this case, the binary event is already known and the marketplace on a daily basis is evaluating and processing the value of the binary event, using some kind of discounting mechanism. This shows up on the chart. As to what the binary event is ultimately worth, no chartist can make that prediction.

Being a bean counter a heart, I use fundamental analysis to determine whether to invest in a stock. However I use charting, particularly trendline analysis, to confirm that my fundamental analysis is correct. I'm a believer that the "trend is your friend", so I'm usually adding to my position when downtrend lines are broken to the upside, and reducing my positions when longer term uptrend lines are broken to the downside.

As to MNKD, I'm hanging in there with Al. I know of no better way to determine when to sell.

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind

Yes. Hopefully a real charting expert will show up and make some predictions. And i take no credit for the share price hitting the share prices I predicted. But I do take credit for accurately interpreting the tea leaves. I also take credit for my compelling buy signal at $1.90 last October, check the YMB. when I loaded up with shares and warrants.

But until the board gets its charting expert, here is my current forecast based on my amateur charting techniques. MNKD will reach a minimum of $9 within the next 10 trading days and a good chance of reaching $10. I see no bear raid of any consequence.

If any of you want to celebrate this windfall with me, you can find me sipping scotch and margaritas at Poipu Beach on the south shore of Kauai.


Very happy Trend.

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind


Well, you're our leader. Whatever plan you make, I'm in.

Trend !!!!

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind

Minimum short-term target of $7.75 reached in AH. Looking for a move by Friday to test previous recent highs of $8.08-$8.16 and then on to at least $9.00 (within the next 12 trading days. )

I'll be celebrating the stock price move while laying on the warm sand in Kauai.



about 11 years ago
Re: What's your MNKD strategy? BO or PA -- pre or post?

I'm tied to the hip with Al Mann. I'll sell when Al sells.


about 11 years ago
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