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TechKim's Posts

Re: Additional thoughts about the 148 response to USPTO

I read alot of the posts concerned over the manipulation allegation of pacer documents.

I have come to the conclusion that those in either the pro or con side of the issue do not disagree that the pacer was posted. A pacer in disagreement was posted. No lying about that.

Now we have common ground to work together with. Unfortunately, those in disagreement keep taking the issue into other issues to cover the true conversation.

Is it not bad enough that thousands of investors have been burned badly from owning ptsc.?

Is it not bad enough that when one of those investors get on a message chat board to voice an opinion in strong words they get deleted or banned?

I would just like to know what is going on here and everywhere else in regards to ptsc communication message boards?

I cannot believe that hundreds of investors are wrong about the details of the pacer posting documents. A pacer was posted.

Something is very wrong here.


over 13 years ago
Re: My question! Is the blackout period now over for management/board and or the com


 The money from the settlement is locked up for a year? If this is true for whatever reason. The company can buy shares with existing monies from other licensures.

Something is not clicking well here with my understanding.

over 16 years ago
My question! Is the blackout period now over for management/board and or the com

My question! Is the blackout period now over for management/board and or the company. So they can start buying back shares again?


Hopefully they start buying a boatload of shares and get the share price up and running. Otherwise who gives a rats a$$ what the revenue is stated. The share price is what matters to the investors when it comes down to it.



over 16 years ago
I am ready for some more announcements of licensures

The revenue keeps getting better, and the stock keeps drifting backwards for whatever reasons.

 Company could buy back more shares.

Whoever or whatever it is that has control of these ptsc shares?


over 16 years ago
$1 a share! That is just for starters!

I would be for another round of share buy backs.


almost 17 years ago
PTSC -- any mass produced equipment running 120mgz or better is subject to a pos

PTSC --  any mass produced equipment running 120mgz or better is subject to a possible lawsuit for licensure.

Immediately Patriot filed lawsuits for patent infringement against Sony, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Matsushita and others seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. Patriot contends that every computer chip that operates at speeds above 120 megahertz—meaning every PC manufactured after 1994 or 1995—has a Fish clock and the "multi-instruction fetch," another Fish patent.

To date, Patriot Scientific has sued more than 150 computer/semiconductor companies. Twenty-five, including AMD, Hewlett-Packard, Casio and Fujitsu, have agreed to license the patent; Intel alone paid $20 million. The litigation may be just beginning. Patriot CEO Wallin said, "We see this as applying equally to medical equipment, commercial equipment and other mass-produced consumer products."

Bottom line: "If you make a computer, you have to use my patent," Fish says. "This is the wheel."


almost 17 years ago
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