Profundo's Profile

Profundo's Posts

Re: Question for Silversurfer or Profundo

He was not there. I don't think it would be normal proceedure for him to be there. She said she was "confused" but what she really meant is that she wanted more clarity from the plaintiffs and defendants.

over 13 years ago
Re: An interesting moment that I had forgotten...

Great. Thanks for finding it. This is it.


over 13 years ago
Re: An interesting moment that I had forgotten..Profundo....

PLEASE don't give me too much credit for remembering those exact words. It is my best recollection but certainly not a quote and I could have confused some of the statements. As I look at the points made in the Phillips case it should give some clarity as to what Mr. Jameson thought we "learned" from the Phillips case.

Perhaps SS will have a better recollection too.


over 13 years ago
Best way to share this Philliips case document?

This is a long document. Perhaps I can have SS put it on his site with the PACER docs but I don't have an email address for him and Agoracom tells me a that I can't send anymore private messages today. Any ideas?


over 13 years ago
Re: Profundo:Re: An interesting moment/that is interesting..friendl... banter?

My guess is that it was a prominent one in the industry. I have the case as a word doc. Let me see if I can get it onto the board.

over 13 years ago
An interesting moment that I had forgotten...

Perhaps SS can help with this but at one point in the final argument, Mr. Jameson said something to the judge like, "I know that your honor has alot of experience in claims construction proceedings. She quickly interjected saying, "I don't know about that. SUCHANDSUCH (maybe Philliips??) was NOT my finest moment." Mr. Jameson laughed it off knowingly and said, "but we ALL learned something important from PHILLIPS (??). We learned that we have to be very careful to give priority to what is contained within the patent and NOT give undue importance to what might be contained elsewhere."

This is just my recollection of the of the general exchange. This was a very brief exchange but I took it to mean that at some point in an earlier claims construction case (perhaps Phillips?) she had done something incorrectly and had been overturned.


over 13 years ago
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