PanchoVilla's Profile

PanchoVilla's Posts

Re: IP Address issue


Read my post to Gold Bandit.


over 13 years ago
Re: IP Address issue


There is a lot more to IP addresses than you point out. Your IP address may change depending on the lease time. DHCP contacts the client at the half life of the lease to renew the lease. If it can't contact the client, it holds the lease and continues to try to contact the client until the lease expires. If the client does not log on before the lease expires, the IP address goes back into the pool of available IP's. Once this happens, the next time the client connects to the network a new IP address may be assigned IF that same IP address has been assigned to another client.

If you are connecting to the internet from a work network, chances are your IT Department has a firewall to protect your network. When they do this, the firewall will NAT (Network Address Translation) all intenal IP addresses to the firewall address when they go out in the internet. So if 5 emlpoyees in your firm accress Agoracom, they will all have the same source IP address.


over 13 years ago
Re: Whatever happened to Mr Stormpay?


Don't be dishartened, in this deal anything can happen.

Why, someone may have made him an offer he just could not refuse.

Give my regards to Don Jose!



Wonder how he and his group will vote their shares??


over 13 years ago
Re: Whatever happened to Mr Stormpay?

Nice!. He tells everyone about "something coming" that everyone will be happy about, then this sh!t happens and he deletes his account.

over 13 years ago
Re: 58c Icebery buy

Been lurking for a while. Registered my account a few weeks ago to post a comment that I changed my mind about.

I don't have an agenda if that is what you are asking. Posting out of frustration today!

over 13 years ago
Re: Pdac

Perhaps someone there could ask him. Doubt he'd be around today tho.

over 13 years ago
Ottawa via Yellowknife
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