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MNKD_FAN's Posts

Re: BMY just listed hundreds of new diabetes sales positions

I saw the below cost comparison for Bydureon and Victoza. Was wondering with Afrezza priced in the $2200.00 range, would this lower price be another potential boost for marketing Afrezza (provided we get FDA approval). Came from an old 1/2012 NY times article so the pricing may be dated.

That is in part because there is some data from one of Amylin’s own trials suggesting
Bydureon is slightly less effective in controlling blood sugar than Victoza. Also, it is more
cumbersome for a patient to prepare Bydureon for each injection and the needle used is
larger than for Victoza.
Amylin said the wholesale price of Bydureon would be $323.44 for four doses, or about
$4,200 a year. That is between the roughly $3,400 for the low dose of Victoza and $5,000
for the high dose, said Mark Schoenebaum, an analyst at the ISI Group.

about 11 years ago
Re: Stocks with call strike movement; MNKD TSLA


About 5 weeks ago when we had the big drop due to bad rumors about Afrezza, I asked my broker friend at Wdebush to see who was selling a large block of share that triggered the drop. My broker friend placed a call to the Wedbush trading desk to get some info and they told him they have no way of tracing back to the source for the order or to even know if it's one trade or compilation of many small trades.

I guess my confusion is how does Avafin have knowledge of transactions sources and if there's a seller there's also a buyer. With the stock price going up, obviously, we would have more buyers than sellers. I am not certain that the institution sellers (if confirmed) knows more about MNKD than you or some of the long time follower Gurus we have on this board.

I deffinitely will not make any investment decisions from the above article. I recall seeing a similar posting from these guys when the stock was around $5.00 and here we are at $8.00+.

Thank you for your diligence in sharing up to date news related to MNKD!!!. It's much helpful and appreciated.


about 11 years ago
Re: European Regulator Finds Little Risk in Diabetes Drugs


I am glad Bydureon is working well for you. I wanted to get your opinion if given a choice between Bydureon and Afrezza, would you still choose Bydureon (or similar Bydureon drugs) . I believe the ADA have reccommended the use of insulin treatment early for type II patients as the more effective way to slow down or stop the progression of the diabetic condition.

I have always wondered if the use of the synthetic inhibitor drugs could make the pancreas work harder and potentially wear out ( lack of better description) the pancreas sooner so causing the patient to be completely reliant on external insulin supplement.

Lastly, you mentioned your your A1c is at 6.4 with using Bydureon. Could you share with us what your A1c value was before taking Bydureon. I am trying to understand how much better than the minimum 0.5 A1c reduction Afrezza has to have to be competitive with these synthetic inhibitor drugs.

Hope my questions are not too personal and thank you in advance for your opinion.

about 11 years ago
Re: PPS Based upon project new capacity of 4 lines


Like you I am very new to the board and have learned a ton from these knowledgeable folks. I had the same question and the below TBD factors (for me) are:

1. The exact outstanding shares

2. The partnership will most likely assist with the build out for more lines and increased capacity for more sales. That being the case, what should be the revenue to use in the sales equation to value the company.

3. Partnership rights would most likely accompany with a large payment fee minimum $250M (I'd be dissapointed if Al accepts less). This would also help to boost valuation.

If Bristol and Astra is willing to pay $5B for a me too drug with hardly any revenue after 1 Qtr in Amylin, hard for me to believe MNKD is not worth atleast $7-8B (If FDA approval is granted).

I do think MNKD could be a $12-13/shr stock with positive trial III data and partnership announcement. With FDA approval, $15-16.

about 11 years ago
Re: PPS Based upon project new capacity of 4 lines


Why is the share count at 600M?. I thought we are at 300M at this time. Everything else looks reasonable.

Thank you for the quick sanity check to put PPS in perspective.

about 11 years ago
Re: Best Defensive Strategy

Mr. Swing ...That's too funny. Thank you for nice LOL.

Mr. Brentie, I am encouraged by your bold move and conviction. I suppose 6-years of faithful following will give one tremendous confidence. For what it's worth, I have dedicated 60% of my holdings in MNKD and do not intend to hedge going into the Aug trial results.

According to the MLV (63-page analysis on 5/15), they ranked the following Pharmas as likely partners:

1- Merck; 2- Bristol-Meyers; 3-Sanofi-Aventis; 4- Novo; 5- Eli Lilly; and last 6- J & J.

Honestly, I would take any of the above but would think a company that do not have a GLP-1 play would be in best interest. This is because there could be a conflict in interest in terms of which product to push harder. If that is what MNKD management is thinking, then Sanofi would be the leading candidate.

about 11 years ago
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