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Germany wants it gold back

Like it says in the article, if one central bank doesn't trust another central bank (especially germany), the perfect storm is forming.

over 11 years ago
Merger possibility?

I haven't heard this theory, so I will put it forth. I think that there is a possibility of a stock swap buyout with a producer that already has 43-101. Best of both worlds. No taxes, Bump in partners stock price based on increased reserves. I think that this outcome has is real possibility.

over 11 years ago
Re: Rocketstocks is freaking out on ISCUM

I know, peggy is the same. After its statement about how PQ is nothing like Fuller or Grant, I pointed out that his avatar is representative of a lying theiving company that bilks and rips off its customers. LOL. It was swept pretty quick. They monitor the boards every minute of every day, trashing SFMI any way they can. Talk about contra indicator.

over 11 years ago
Rocketstocks is freaking out on ISCUM

Man anything sligtly positive is completely pummeled over there. I smell his fear.

over 11 years ago
blowing out the safety room

I wonder if a well placed charge in blowing out the safety room could drain one of the upper mines? Wouldn't that be nice.

over 11 years ago
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