BobW's Profile

I have over 25 years experience working in the financial services sector, with a background in the pricing and risk management of fixed income, structured finance and derivative securities. I hold degrees in mathematics, computer science and financial engineering.

BobW's Posts

Re: ProBoards: not as pro

I agree. Agoracom was working well.

about 11 years ago
Re: Information request

I am having the same problem; it keeps going tothe screen that requires an activation code, but it is never emailed to me.

about 11 years ago
Re: Information request

I never got the email with the activation code.

about 11 years ago
Re: Information request

Thanks Brentie

about 11 years ago
Re: Information request

I am not sure why we had to move, but so far, I have not been able to create an account there.

about 11 years ago
Re: We need to move forward and figure the best way

I was thinking that we could start a sort of biotech investment club. I have a few names that I have looked at. If others are interested, I could setup another forum on Agoracom.

We could start with a list of names, suggested by the members and then start eliminating. Ideally, at the end, we should be left with only small number of names, perhaps only one or two, at the end of the process.

As a start, what if each member picks one name and writes a one page explanation of why it is a good pick. We can then discuss the merits of each one. It will be a bit of work in the beginning, but it may be a good way to narrow down the choices.

Does anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions?



about 11 years ago
NYC area, Long Island
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