BadSlushy's Profile

BadSlushy's Posts

Re: Anyone interested in using another board platform?

Just signed up, you have my vote. Going under my normal handle "Slushy"

about 11 years ago
Re: Anyone interested in using another board platform?

I like the idea of a "Bio Ideas" forum and a "MNKD" forum. Where this is held doesn't matter to me, but it would definitely be nice to have a sticky option for the moderators (not sure if Agora has that). Also, it would be nice to not have to worry about people getting banned for little to no reason... we're trading a spec stock, we have enough stress and drama (see the past week).

about 11 years ago
Re: What is the latest trend analysis? And thoughts about Summer Street article?

I totally agree with you, but I'm also humble enough to realize I could easily be missing an angle on this stock. To me, all the information points to a very solid success with the trials, and I expected either a rise to the $9 range, or a "sell on news" mentality and the stock settling in the $7.5 - $8.25 range. What I didn't expect was this massive drop, and it has me worried I'm not seeing something.

I think MNKD is going to get FDA and if they can find a solid partner will be a big gainer in a year or so. The question I'm kicking around is do I get out now, let this noise settle, and jump back in... the only events coming up are Partner/Acquisition, FDA submittal, conference calls, and the random article that excites or scares people. Is that enough to get this ship back on the right course soon, or are they going to continue to beat it down for the next month or two? That's why I was hoping to get a little bit of technical insight because mine is fairly rudimentary, and hoping someone with more Biotech knowledge could confirm that the issue with the missing trial isn't as bad as Summer Street is trying to imply.

about 11 years ago
What is the latest trend analysis? And thoughts about Summer Street article?

After we all took a pummeling the past few days, I'm wondering what the analysis says for resistance levels and basically a selling point. After the Summer Street article (which btw, can someone verify whether or not this is true and something we should be concerned about), I'm wondering how many more articles are going to push this stock down. My very minimal TA skills are telling me that $6.25 was the last resistance point, and after that it's at $6... and then down to the low $5 range. I'm debating whether or not to sell off all or some of my shares if it breaks down pats $6, take my profit, and sit out till things calm down. Thoughts?

about 11 years ago
MNKD Conference Call

Does anyone know of a webcast address for the call?

about 11 years ago
Re: trial results

I really hope this message board doesn't implode... spent a long time trying to find a place with honest and intelligent MNKD conversation.

about 11 years ago
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