Alethea's Profile

Type 2 Diabetic. Currently on Bydureon. Formerly on Byetta. Invested in Amylyn Pharmaceuticals. Following MNKD for about 2 years. Semi-retired. Hopeful of success for MNKD thru and past FDA approval.

Alethea's Posts

Re: Where did everyone go?

Thanks Lianne! I like proboards. I do wish it had a message indicator showing that I've already read it.

I should be smart enough to tell by the dates but alas....

I could swear one thread had the newest message at the top while another had the newest listed last, at the bottom.

But my short-term memory and attention span are really suffering lately.

about 11 years ago
Re: Where did everyone go?

OOG, are those two different addresses for the same website? TIA!

about 11 years ago
Love Reading This Message Board

Hello All,

Been following this board regularly for 6 months and sporadicly for a year or more. It's great to have access to all of your thoughts. Seems to me many fine and wise members.

I don't have any great knowledge or too much to contribute. However I have been on Bydureon since March, 2012, two months or so after FDA approval. I like it and feel it is doing a good job in conjunction with Metformin. In the past I was on basal insulin and also used bolus at mealtimes. Both discontinued since Bydureon.

While Bydureon is working very well for me, like other Type 2's I do have high fasting blood glucose readings when I wake up. Anxiously awaiting MNKD approval to help with this and for use at evening meals when I tend to eat my highest level of carbs.

Thank you all for providing this wonderful forum.

Final thought, I worked in corporate America for nearly 30 years and closely watched the Market for the last dozen. I am 99.5% convinced that the nosedive occurring in the last 3 days has been almost exclusively induced and orchestrated by Wall Street. I believe that holding MNKD through and at least several months past FDA approval next April will yield very, very positive results. There will be many, many more head-fakes and manipulations by Wall Street. Stay strong. Good Luck to all.

about 11 years ago
Iowa City
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