Torch River Resources Ltd.

Nahmint Property hosts over 8000 acres on Vancouver Island. The property contains 14 Crown granted mineral claims which contained 3 small high grade copper mines going back to the early 1900s (grades of 7.5%, 9.09% and 17.5% copper).

Torch River Resources Ltd.: Mount Copeland Mo Occurrence Returns Significant Rare Earth Elements, Yttrium, Niobium, Titanium, Molybdenum & Copper Values from Rock Chip & Soil Samples

CALGARY, ALBERTA, Sep 28, 2010 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Torch River Resources Ltd. ("Torch" or the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:TCR) (FRANKFURT:WNF) (PINK SHEETS:TORVF) is pleased to announce highlights of 34 rock chip and 72 soil samples taken from a 1.3 X 0.6 km area centered on Torch River Resources Copeland Property, located 25 km northwest of Revelstoke, BC. Of the 34 total rock chip samples, 23 were taken as chip composites across widths ranging from 0.18-2.8 meters (taken at right angles to apparent strike of mineral zone to represent true width), and 11 were sub-crop, not outcrop samples (i.e. not in-situ). Rock and soil samples were shipped to Pioneer Labs for lithium borate fusion, acid dissolution and ICPMS analysis for rare earth elements (14 of 15 analyzed, Promethium, Pm not analyzed), trace elements, and assays for Mo and Cu for select elevated rock chip samples (geochemical analysis certificate numbers 2102718, 2102718A, & 2102718B). A total of 8 rock chip samples (COPE10AR-3, 12, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25 & 26) contain elevated rare earth elements above the high end of the detection limit, and these samples have been forwarded to ALS Chemex, N Vancouver BC, for lithium borate fusion, acid dissolution and ICPMS analysis.

Copeland Mo property history includes underground excavation (1970-73) that produced 169,729 tonnes and recovered 2,625,046 pounds (1,190,713 kilograms) of molybdenum. When the Copeland Mine went into production in 1970, development work (diamond drilling, mapping, sampling) indicated there was 163,340 tonnes @ 1.096% Mo (historic resource estimate used by King Resources for 1970-73 mine development and underground workings). Lenses of syenite pegmatite or syenite aplite are concentrated along the north border of an extensive nepheline syenite body that occurs along the ridge crest in contact with calc-silcate metamorphic rocks located west of Mount Copeland. Lenses of syenite pegmatite or syenite aplite are common along the northern border of the nepheline syenite unit, and are the focus of economic interest because of their elevated concentrations of molybdenum, copper, rare earth elements, yttrium, niobium and titanium. Characteristically, the syenite aplites/pegmatites are parallel with foliation, but locally they cross it. Massive and disseminated sulphide and oxide mineralization occurs in the aplite and pegmatite lenses, and in marble-breccia, calc-silcate gneisses adjacent to the syenite-gneiss contact. Observations demonstrate that the syenite pegmatite and aplite host disseminated and fracture filling molybdenite with minor magnetite, ilmenite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, scheelite, and chalcopyrite. Molybdenite bearing zones are associated with secondary K-spar, calcite, biotite, chlorite and rare quartz.

Significant molybdenum, copper, rare earth (cerium, lanthanum, neodymium 3 of 15 rare earth elements), thorium, yttrium, niobium and titanium values from Aug, 2010 rock chip samples are summarized in the following table:

Sample number Width (m) Zone Name Mo % Cu % Ce ppm
COPE10 AR-01 1.00 Glacier Mine 0.63 0.01 165.2
COPE10 AR-02 1.20 Glacier Mine 0.49 0.01 132.1
COPE10 AR-03 greater
0.60 Glacier Mine 0.95 0.02 1,000
COPE10 AR-04 1.00 Glacier Mine 1.33 0.01 297.8
COPE10 AR-05 1.00 Glacier E Ext 0.56 0.01 142.5
COPE10 AR-09 2.00 Glacier E Ext 0.77 0.01 103.3
COPE10 AR-10 1.00 Glacier E Ext 1.20 0.01 116.3
COPE10 AR-11 0.52 Glacier E Ext 0.10 0.01 396.1
COPE10 AR-12 greater
Sub-crop 6420' Peg 0.01 0.01 1,000
COPE10 AR-14 2.00 J-5 6,300' 0.19 0.01 35.5
COPE10 AR-15 0.20 6420' Peg 0.34 0.01 96.3
COPE10 AR-19 greater
0.45 East Glacier 0.01 0.27 1,000
COPE10 AR-20 greater
0.18 East Glacier 0.01 0.01 1,000
COPE10 AR-22 greater
0.70 Marble Bx R 0.01 0.01 1,000
COPE10 AR-23 greater
1.80 Marble Bx R 0.01 0.01 1,000
COPE10 AR-24 2.80 Marble Bx R 0.21 0.01 183.0
COPE10 AR-25 0.25 Marble Bx R 0.01 0.01 666.9
COPE10 AR-26 greater
0.30 Marble Bx R 0.22 0.01 1,000
COPE10 AR-27 0.25 Marble Bx R 0.92 0.01 23.5
COPE10 AR-28 0.22 Marble Bx R 0.43 0.01 191.4
COPE10 AR-29 0.35 Marble Bx R 0.18 0.01 261.6
COPE10 AR-30 Sub-crop Marble Bx R 3.40 0.01 175.1
COPE10 AR-33 Sub-crop West Basin 0.01 1.32 306.1

Sample number La ppm Nd ppm Th ppm Y ppm Nb ppm Ti %
COPE10 AR-01 94.8 49.0 6.2 31.3 94.9 0.058
COPE10 AR-02 78.4 36.2 9.3 8.2 74.2 0.094
COPE10 AR-03 greater greater
than than
1,000 531.2 68.5 113.0 1,000 0.966
COPE10 AR-04 greater
187.3 80.3 43.9 39.1 1,000 2.587
COPE10 AR-05 greater
79.7 45.1 57.6 18.6 1,000 1.396
COPE10 AR-09 51.8 36.2 3.5 32.3 641.9 0.771
COPE10 AR-10 66.0 33.5 10.3 11.7 43.9 0.037
COPE10 AR-11 170.1 128.8 1.9 101.1 84.2 0.287
COPE10 AR-12 729.7 190.4 47.7 66.1 250.7 0.287
COPE10 AR-14 20.1 11.3 8.8 4.1 18.2 0.055
COPE10 AR-15 47.4 39.4 2.6 19.5 23.8 0.117
COPE10 AR-19 742.5 183.1 81.8 78.7 259.4 1.466
COPE10 AR-20 greater greater greater
than than than
1,000 1,000 1,000 623.8 527.4 2.928
COPE10 AR-22 greater greater greater
than than than
1,000 1,000 1,000 414.8 31.4 0.277
COPE10 AR-23 greater
1,000 176.3 211.4 103.8 73.5 0.361
COPE10 AR-24 164.1 37.4 28.7 23.2 22.1 0.171
COPE10 AR-25 722.3 99.9 43.9 106.9 147.1 0.566
COPE10 AR-26 greater
1,000 166.8 259.0 152.4 35.3 0.254
COPE10 AR-27 15.0 7.5 3.0 3.4 32.1 0.227
COPE10 AR-28 129.7 15.8 28.4 25.3 89.6 0.486
COPE10 AR-29 170.1 78.4 14.8 55.6 38.7 0.043
COPE10 AR-30 99.4 70.0 251.4 38.5 126.8 0.060
COPE10 AR-33 169.9 100.1 15.2 96.0 138.5 0.377

Note- Uranium values range from 0.7-73.9 ppm, and average less than 20 ppm

A new zone of rare earth, yttrium, niobium and titanium has been outlined from August, 2010 rock chip and soil sampling. Elevated rare earth values occur notably on Marble Breccia Ridge, a distinct 5-50 m wide band of marble (breccia texture near contacts), and gossan (rusty coloured iron oxides) caused by pyrite-pyrrhotite. Marble Breccia Ridge contains zones of disseminated magnetite resulting in a strong (greater than 2,000 nT), positive total field magnetometer survey anomaly zone. Geochemical analysis (certificate number 2102718A), of rare earth elements indicates Marble Breccia Ridge (rock chip samples COPE10AR-22-30) contains significant rare earths, yttrium, niobium and titanium. This newly discovered mineral zone appears to continue east-southeast under the glacier and the East Glacier Zone (rock chip samples COPE10AR-19 & 20 located 400 m ESE of Marble Breccia Ridge), is an area that also contains significant rare earths, yttrium, niobium, titanium and copper.Significant rare earth (cerium, lanthanum, neodymium 3 of 15 rare earth elements), thorium, yttrium, niobium and titanium values (certificate number 2102718A), from Aug, 2010 soil samples are summarized in the following table:

Northing Easting Zone Name Ce ppm La ppm
5665500 greater
397000 Marble Bx R than 1,000 756.1
5665500 397025 Marble Bx R 785.1 442.2
5665500 397975 J-5 6,300' 802.6 475.4
5665500 397275 Marble Bx R 644.9 409.3
5665550 397300 Marble Bx R 661.3 430.5
5665550 397125 Marble Bx R 636.3 346.9
5665550 397250 Marble Bx R 733.8 463.5
5665550 397275 Marble Bx R 881.5 441.2
5665550 397925 J-5 6,300' 535.3 256.7
5665550 397975 J-5 6,300' 652.7 385.9
5665050 greater
398100 East Glacier than 1,000 643.2
5665100 greater
398100 East Glacier than 1,000 813.7
5665300 397650 Marble Bx R 624.6 335.2
5665300 397675 Marble Bx R 806.4 522.8
5665400 397650 Marble Bx R 784.8 553.8
5665400 greater
397675 Marble Bx R than 1,000 747.0
5665400 397725 Glacier E Ext 589.2 372.5
5665400 397750 Glacier E Ext 756.7 421.4
5665400 397775 Glacier E Ext 786.2 436.8
5665400 greater
397775 Glacier E Ext than 1,000 658.9
5665450 397800 Glacier E Ext 646.0 399.5
5665450 397875 Glacier E Ext 764.1 445.5
5665450 397900 Glacier E Ext 994.0 535.9
5665000 greater
398050 East Glacier than 1,000 776.5
5665000 greater
398075 East Glacier than 1,000 875.8
5665000 greater
398100 East Glacier than 1,000 841.0
5665000 greater greater
398125 East Glacier than 1,000 than 1,000
5665000 greater
398150 East Glacier than 1,000 723.3

Northing Nd ppm Th ppm Y ppm Nb ppm Ti %
5665500 264.1 87.0 126.1 460.3 0.509
5665500 220.9 43.2 140.9 523.7 0.611
5665500 190.1 86.8 115.0 530.2 0.918
5665500 183.3 58.2 139.1 242.0 1.051
5665550 173.0 88.3 120.7 288.4 1.057
5665550 164.8 57.9 95.4 595.9 1.055
5665550 195.1 114.9 127.9 338.1 1.922
5665550 213.8 71.0 161.5 232.1 1.559
5665550 146.4 48.5 95.1 297.5 1.003
5665550 149.3 68.8 88.8 468.1 1.041
5665050 237.8 102.9 143.2 454.7 2.101
5665100 241.9 113.7 139.9 558.1 1.674
5665300 210.2 53.7 88.4 146.7 1.868
5665300 160.6 104.5 88.8 554.5 0.570
5665400 153.3 115.2 100.9 277.8 0.454
5665400 225.8 184.6 143.6 292.1 1.333
5665400 153.8 82.0 86.7 234.5 1.126
5665400 231.1 71.2 158.0 245.2 1.884
5665400 240.8 93.1 151.8 199.1 2.433
5665400 275.4 88.3 173.6 561.4 1.033
5665450 183.6 67.1 115.3 235.4 1.479
5665450 191.3 97.7 131.3 465.3 0.917
5665450 228.2 74.1 152.0 610.5 1.017
5665000 258.2 187.6 156.0 438.0 1.446
5665000 229.8 189.0 148.5 432.8 0.986
5665000 263.3 129.4 146.2 469.3 0.977
5665000 476.2 163.8 193.4 435.2 1.023
5665000 303.4 96.9 181.4 254.6 3.082

Note- Uranium values range from 7.9-67.3 ppm, and average less than 25 ppm

The East Glacier and Marble Breccia Ridge zones do not have Mo & Cu values associated with REE minerals, but the Glacier East Extension and J-5 6,300' zones that are elevated in Mo & Cu values are spatially related to above average REE, yttrium, niobium & titanium geochemical analysis values.

Management is focusing on future exploration of rare earth elements, yttrium, niobium and titanium on Mt Copeland mineral tenures, and will be reporting further analysis of the samples which are presently above measurable limits as they are released from ALS Chemex Labs. Additional follow-up work planned will include detailed geological mapping, geochemical sampling, magnetometer geophysical surveys, and core drilling. Fieldwork and data compilation on the Mt Copeland mineral tenures was carried out by Andris Kikauka, P.Geo., a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI 43-101.

Forward Looking Information

This press release may contain forward-looking statements which may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, statements made regarding the Omineca Property. Although Torch believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot give any assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Results of Torch including its ability to mobilize and drill on schedule may be affected by a variety of variables and risks associated with the mining industry such as availability of human and capital resources, competition, exploration and development plans and results, anticipated capital expenditures and financing thereof, timing of applications and approvals. As such the future plans and objectives of Torch are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties and may be based on assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in such statements. Torch's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, Torch does not intend nor does it undertake any obligation to update or review any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent information , events, results or circumstances or otherwise.

SOURCE: Torch River Resources Ltd.

Torch River Resources Ltd. William E. Pfaffenberger President and Chief Executive Officer (403) 444-6888 ProActive Communications Co. Local Vancouver: (604) 541-1995 Or toll free (800) 540-1995

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