St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to BOW2U's message

Here is one more blast from the past!!

Recap for new folks!

posted on Mar 13, 11 03:24PM This is a recap of work presented here at Agoracom. I have posted this at another site to try and build some support over there but I figure it is worth posting here as well. If you have already read these articles then thats great. If you have not, please have a read and ask any questions that you may have.



Guys, for get all this garbage that you see posted about no drill holes, no value.

First off, if that’s what you think, don't bother investing in any exploration company. A property has value as soon as it is obtained. The goal is that through spending money on sampling you increase the value faster then the money you spend. This is one way to deliver value to share holders.

SLI has done this time and time again. In fact they have a portfolio of real-estate. They have 8+ properties at various degrees of exploration. The Tesoro property is the latest gamble. So, what’s the risk for taking that gamble as an investor?


That’s right your risk capitol is effectively ZERO. The reason is that the value in all other SLI properties is currently greater then the latest share price. I have done a little math and posted it here
These number indicate that SLI has a REAL value of just over $2.70 a share. I have not updated these numbers yet but I was told that the moly project actually has double the resource that I have given SLI credit for. That would put the stock value at approximately $5.

This is not to say that there is no Risk with the Tesoro project. Anything could happen to jeopardize the project but the amount of money you risk by investing now is nil. This mean that if you by the stock today at under $2.70 your essentially taking on ZERO risk for the future exploration of Tesoro which is the property that has massive potential in excess of 100 million ounces of gold. If the property is a bust you lose nothing. If it’s a success you got in on the GROUND FLOOR!

Where else will you find an exploration project that you can invest in for ZERO risk!

There are many reasons why a stock price move up and down and for SLI investors jumping in now be thankful that this stock is currently undervalued based on current projects and no future project s (TESORO and other new property acquisitions) have received any credit.

Here are some calculations that you may be interested in if you want to buy SLI shares. This is a conservative guess at the amount of gold that Tesoro might hold. If you don’t want to click the link, suffice to say that the figure is North of 100 million ounces

For those who are very new to the board you may want to review the logic behind understanding that there is gold at Tesoro, we just have to figure out how much you can view this link. Here you will get a graphical representation and explanation of a small fraction of the evidence for a massive gold deposit to be discovered at Tesoro!

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