Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to donypee's message

there are several companies that would benifit greatly from buying out PRB at this time... Agneco Eagle for one could view the latest pullback as bargin time.

One other that comes to mind is Tan Range... Jim S has been calling TNX a royalty company for a very long time... but no royalties are coming in.... TNX would benifit nicely with the Goldex royalty.

The are several royalty companies out there that specialize in picking up royalties, any one of them could view PRB as a target.

So whats it worth?

Today only what us investors are willing to value it at.

No offence intended on the take it easy on Dave.... I mentioned to him the other day on the phone that an EA may be the way to fill in a few of the blanks... and he did.

Thinks could be worse... we could be trading at less market value than cash in the bank like FNI...One viable option for them is to shut it down, sell the equipment, and turn the Lockerbee back in for double the finding / development costs for the additional reserves added ...The market has placed very wierd values on some companies. I such a scenario I think FNI would net about $1.00/ share.

The market of late has been the weakest I have seen in years... makes everyone a bit testy.

Have a good evening.

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