Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to optymystic's message

"It is difficult to describe them any other way, isn't it? "

No, opty, it really isn't --- in the case of this forum, "realistic" would be accurate. LL just chose to employ the term you like to use so often.

I had started another post in respose to your earlier message today about the Wolf/PACER scenario, but I hit the wrong button and it got deleted. The gist was that the real sadness in that scenario was that you and several others so easily bought into the "opinions" of those who have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to be abjectly wrong about legal and related issues --- everything from MOUs, to secured loans, to the ability of BoD members to buy stock in the company they serve, and on and on.

Another longtimer recently sent me an email containing lots of funny "laws", one of which was the "Law of Logical Argument". I would have re-titled it the "Law of Illogical Argument", but the point is its definition, which is as follows: "Anything is possible when you don't know what you're talking about".

At the moment, I can't think of a better application of the above principle than the debacle over Wolf, and, unfortunately, this forum lost a valuable contributor due to the ignorance and meanspiritedness of a few. I barely know how to create a PDF, so I'm certainly no authority on physically "altering" them except to say that "alteration" takes place even if a mere punctuation mark is changed. In any event, however, anyone with even a small bit of analytical ability, and a real desire to be honest about how to interpret the facts, would have seen that there could not possibly have been a nefarious motive involved in "removing the date". To assert, as did some here, that the removal of a date from a PACER could somehow be expected to affect PTSC's stock price was easily in the "top ten" of the most ludicrous things I have ever seen posted on this board.

So, opty, for you to outraged over LL's post earlier today, which he clearly made in jest, makes me question why you didn't scream in outrage over what happened to Wolf. And if you actually did buy into those who were engaging in that "skewering", then you blindly followed people who are so adept in adhering to the Law of (Il)logical Argument.

Best wishes to all.

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