Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

So here we have it- for years (literally) we have waited for the outcome of USPTO examinations, re-examinations and re-examinations of re-examinations. During all of this time, we have been fed the line that "licencing efforts are being impeded by the lack of USPTO movement'

Over this time, our inglorious 'leaders' have delivered extremely poor results, negative productivity and huge negative returns on investment. For this they have been paid, by any reasonable means or reckoning, abnormally large salaries. (Seriously folks - $28K a year to be in charge of the compensation I wrong in presuming that this is someone getting paid to decide how much everyone gets paid...). Also, we have 17 full-time employees ? may people does it take to operate a fax machine ? There is no productive work being done, otherwise we would be making a profit, no?

If our BOD were life-size carboard cut-outs of a real BOD and had just sat there and done nothing, we would at least be a company with a bunch of money in a checking account somewhere earning 0.01%. $80 million later, when they eventually gave up 'managing' and tried to do just this, we ended up with ARS and uninsured deposits in the Camen Islands.

Meanwhile, as the USPTO pronounces in our favor we are taking, not our next revenue source, but our business partners to court. We have rocketed off our 52-week low of 0.09 to sit proudly at 0.12. The BOD are looking at the possibility of issuing the prefered stock to keep the lights on - make no mistake, this will significantly reduce further the value of your investment. No-one who does more than 5 minutes of due diligence would touch this stock in its current condition. It is an unholy mess, and no amount of legal double-speak and anonymous bromides on this messageboard can hide it any more.

IMHO, the way forward is to rip it up and start again. The litigation with TPL is being handled by the lawyers, and there is no need for the BOD incumbents to remain in their positions. They should resign and hang their heads in shame. We deserve a new BOD with a modicum of business skill and the shareholders interests, if not at heart, then at least in their heads.

When you are in a hole, the first thing you do is to stop digging. We have dug enough.

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