Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I like many of you have had the chance to study the PR's that we anxiously awaited after the positive July PR's which brings me back to the title.

1. Most important, PTSC is absolutely, in the fight of its life. We face an extremely dangerous adversary like having Al Qaeda in your home town and wondering what we should do next. PTSC must put everything they've got into this fight. PTSC is at ground zero and must be prepared to put our VERY BEST legal foot forward to meet with, engage and destroy this enemy. TPL, in my opinion, is out to destroy our corporation PTSC, I am 100% sure of this. TPL is not only not a team player, they have dramatically hurt PTSC at each and every opportunity. Mr. Leckrone then, has the audacity to show up at our SHM like the savior for our company. PTSC must be ready to work overtime and do whatever it takes. Corruption, fraud and injustice cannot be tolerated. No more fun and games with TPL. It is incumbent that PTSC protect its interests and our interests in this extremely valuable asset and if it means going to war then use the nuclear option. Whew (lol), that was a mouthful.

2. It appears that we will gain more information based on the more open approach PTSC is taking. Hopefully, these words are true and occur. This company, again, is in the fight of its life. Shareholder support is critical at this time.

3. PDSG is doing very well and is moving gradually to becoming an effective enterprise over an extended period of time that will require patience and money that will be partially accomplished by belt tightening in all areas (except, I hope in not taking MMP revenues).

4. PTSC in the years I have followed it has never ever had better assets. Ever. We can only hope and pray that Management (PTSC and PDSG) and the BOD act forcefully, insightfully and dramatically.

5. Many of the posts I have reviewed were exceptional whether adversarial or not. I gain further insight in where we are headed. Excellent jobs by all and thank you for your due dilligence. This is a tough day and tomorrrow will not be easier, in fact it will be harder. More is demanded of us as shareholders and much more is demanded from all entities of PTSC.

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