Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

And what all this leads to is that there is definately collusion in the industry to not buy licenses and we will need a court order to make them pay. The next question is obvious. Do we have the cash to go forward? Because of Obama care many large Corps., like SAIC for example, are planning their moves into the health care industry for 2011. Are our board members smart enough to make the proper moves with PDSG ? Or will they, because of current circumstance, be forced to give it away? I sure wish our trial was in Texas. This is a long drawn out process that is playing into the infringers hands. Moore, and TPL certainly didn't help matters with their foolish cash burn rate not to mention us with our paying dividends on warrants. Things, and circumstance never seem to stay the same that is why executives with vision are worth their weight in gold and we have the three blind amigos.

P.S. The reason it takes us so long to respond to a USPTO request is probably because the lawyer is waiting to get accounts settled.

TPL may well be hoarding cash waiting for the results of this Moore situation. They are the smartest ones in the whole scenario ( PTSC, Moore, and TPL), and the least trustworthy. Would we really be lending them money if we were able to control the MMP porfolio? Moore would proably prefer to work with us also. We probably had CJ look over the commerialization agreement. It was fine for Swartz interest, but what about ours? I don't have too much confidence in his ability as a lawyer.

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