Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to BaNosser's message

Down 30% since the "Big Announcement" in early October. It certainly flies in the face of all the speculation on the board today. Conventional wisdom tells us that people should no longer be able to use the "unknown" as an excuse for our current SP. With or without RG or CDX, we have all been informed of a pending '336 recert and news from Alliacense that hundreds have re-engaged. As a matter of fact they went so far as to tell us some companies can't afford one time payments. That's a fairly significant amount of speculation removed for current and potential investors. That being the case, the continuing decrease doesn't jive with Patriots PR, at least not in the context that some posters would have you believe. I see no reason for the SP to have fallen from .42 to this level, even with the removal of certain mgmt. Most of us were here long before them. That is unless things aren't what they seem, just like Brian pointed out.

Exactly what rabbit are investors expecting the BOD to pull out of their hats? You mean Goerner and company couldn't get it done, yet within a few months the Board and Baroni have it figured out? Every year people start clamoring about the potential for big news right before the SHM. Well we got our big news, the SHM is moving to Chicago. That's right the meeting is being held on January 28th in January. I know companies that won't allow travel into that area, in Jan/Feb, unless absolutely necessary. Yet they moved it there to " better accommodate shareholder access from various locations across the country." I laughed out loud when I read that yesterday. In the next few weeks we are either getting the best news that Patriots seen in a long time or.....they definitely want to limit shareholder participation. Considering two major holidays are upon us, we only have about 8 weeks to get news. It has to be out before the meeting.

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