Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ads123's message

I liked the analogy as well..even if the Jockey is overpaid win, lose, or draw. As long as this is not the Jockey's first race and has some kind of proven track record and has won some in the past. The horse does make a difference..a huge difference. You can put the best Jockey in the world on a poor horse and the horse will still lose (perhaps not lose as bad..but will still lose). Is RG paid too much..possibly - some will say absoultely. However, my quess is that those questions will wane if our situation turns around. The torches and pitch forks will for the most part will be put away - with the exception of the die hard vampire killers. If within one / two years from now (being conservative here) PDSG..MMP or our other "irons in the fire" have not amounted to anything, I will probably change my tune (only so much pain a person can take). I also appreciate that there are many shareholders here that are more underwater and have been holders longer than I..and their patience may have already run out. However, please don't judge this Jockey's effort based on prior Jockeys of the past.

I take less offense to RG's payment as opposed to the rest of the BOD - or other past Jockeys (what really did Turley accomplish for example?). Let's not throw out a perfectly good baby when your goal is to get rid of the dirty bath water.

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