Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I almost never weigh in on what is discussed on any of the PTSC
message boards so I hope that you will all forgive me for doing so on this most recent subject of a new shareholder letter.

Frankly, standing outside and looking in, sending such a letter at
this point in time seems a quiet act of desperation. The ball is out
of PTSC's hands for the moment and in the hands of the patent
office. We have a new CEO who appears to be aware of the general panic in the streets and who seems actively engaged in trying to address the issue's.

Many of you have too much invested in one stock
and find yourselves buried in red. I've been there, too, but we did
that to ourselves; we let our dreams lead when we should have been more cautious. Meanwhile the company appears to be trying to find it's head via other acquisitions, perhaps in an endeavor to offset the damage that a negative review might yield.

To demand, and in fact, that is how this letter reads to me, rather
than to suggest a course of action, is probably futile and may even
cause more of a stampede to the gates. And, if the BOD's were to
actually take this advice and begin a serious personal buying spree of shares then I am not sure that they would not be engaging in even furthering their liability to their shareholders, especially regarding new shareholders attracted by the action.

If in the end this stock winds up going south, perhaps that might be the time to start a serious inquiry into who knew what and didn't share, but at this time, I vote for dancing with the party that
brought you to the dance. I am looking forward to a positive ruling
in our favor, and for that, we shall just have to wait it out.

Might I also add that it is a pure pleasure to have you posting here Brian, and that while I may not support your letter at this time, you might well be right in going thru with what you are proposing. At times, Patriot has more closely resembled an unregulated shell game rather than the promising company that it should have been.

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