Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to oscar's message

2. Similarly, there are hundreds of things that Rick Goerner could do to improve a company that is solvent but he chooses to mouth the same old crap that POHL, Turley and others have mouthed depressing shareholder interest and as result shareholder price. THERE is and has been no real action and they act like a company that is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. The individuals that chose to sell today, said enough already, this stock is going no where. My bet is that it is insiders doing the selling not poor saps like you and me that have been screwed by this non/action company. I continue to pray that the insiders/sellers are dead wrong but they know things we do not know. At this point they appear dead right. I was convinced as were many that .50 was the absolute bottem for this stock. I was soooo wrong. You might say that the accusations I made today are wrong but I truly believe they are unfortunately not. I am caught holding the bag like every other long term investor. The difference between this stock and the oilwell stock is that the people running this operation absolutely 100% KNOW what is underneath the ground unlike the wildcatter. THERE IS NO GUESSWORK. Thus, the significant angst on the half truths that we have been told. They know we aren't holding a bag filled with oil but a bag full of s--- and they absolutely 100% KNOW what is going on and THEY USE (ie each and every CEO and Board the NDA and other privacy concerns) it for their advantage.

I beg to disagree. Using your analogy, I see the USPTO as the ground, the patents under re-examination as the oil, and PTSC/TPL as the wildcatters, but unlike most wildcatters, PTSC/TPL are able to guide the drill with more precision to the oil.

You, me, and anyone else is able to read the patent applications, check on the current status, review that which has been cited as prior art. While more information would be welcome, lack of the type of information(for whatever reasons)some require does not in itself make the principals guilty of any criminal activity.

Yes, things could have been better handled in the past., and yes again to already improving communications from Goerner. I do not want to know which companies are being considered as potential M&A targets, until such time as definitive agreements have been signed, tying them to PTSC.

As to insiders selling, were you such an insider would you want a falling or rising price to maximize your gains?

The Quanta decision has not negated patent validity, merely shifted the licensing method. The patents are valid until such time they be declared otherwise, if at all. Infringement is still infringement until the outcome is determined.

Were all the patents to be declared invalid as of now, would I sell? NO. Why not? Nil debt, cash in hand, license fees from the February onwards licensees due, and a solid investment in growing concern.

I'll wait for the M&A activity to reach fruition, happy in the knowledge of Goerner's employment contract.

Be well

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