Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to milestone's message

Exactly correct. Are they a fully reporting, SEC compliant company? I strongly believe they may meet the letter and not the spirit of the law. Where's the money? Can you spell out to me and this board in detail where the money earned is, in simple straight forward terms. Tell me Milestone the answer to this question. The SEC has not to my knowledge investigated PTSC to determine what PTSC is doing with the money obtained from the MMP. You don't need to provide timely financial information to be on the Pink Sheets according to your info (all the better for PTSC and another reason to head in this direction. Then they can completely hide the millions earned and have no accountability, a logical conclusion from the way things are going).

I know addressing all my "statements" is cumbersome, especially if you are a Republican, lol. However, the political comparison was the best analogy that I could come up with. They may in fact all be bloody Democrats running PTSC but they stink like hell as much as the current piece of crap Administration running this nation at the present moment. How do I know this? The Share price tells the story. Even the insiders and people in the know have quit on PTSC (this doesn't include you or I or any known entities on this or any other PTSC blog that really know nothing.)

- Analogy ~ When was the last War on Energy enacted to preserve the state of our economy? When did the president address the nation on the importance of conservation? When did the president ask the car companies to market smalller less gas guzzling forms of transportation? There are hundreds of things that Bush could do RIGHT NOW that he is NOT doing? Why? His oil buddies are making billions while the country remains brain dead to the simple things that could be done to LOWER the demand for oil. They ( the oilmen) knew this when Dick Cheney got them together in their secret meeting on how they would develop enough wealth for their heirs until Jesus comes back. In the 70's they ( the Republicans told us the world would be out of oil in several years??)

2. Similarly, there are hundreds of things that Rick Goerner could do to improve a company that is solvent but he chooses to mouth the same old crap that POHL, Turley and others have mouthed depressing shareholder interest and as result shareholder price. THERE is and has been no real action and they act like a company that is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. The individuals that chose to sell today, said enough already, this stock is going no where. My bet is that it is insiders doing the selling not poor saps like you and me that have been screwed by this non/action company. I continue to pray that the insiders/sellers are dead wrong but they know things we do not know. At this point they appear dead right. I was convinced as were many that .50 was the absolute bottem for this stock. I was soooo wrong. You might say that the accusations I made today are wrong but I truly believe they are unfortunately not. I am caught holding the bag like every other long term investor. The difference between this stock and the oilwell stock is that the people running this operation absolutely 100% KNOW what is underneath the ground unlike the wildcatter. THERE IS NO GUESSWORK. Thus, the significant angst on the half truths that we have been told. They know we aren't holding a bag filled with oil but a bag full of s--- and they absolutely 100% KNOW what is going on and THEY USE (ie each and every CEO and Board the NDA and other privacy concerns) it for their advantage.

Milestone, I don't have all the little technical answers this way or that and there is absolutely no one on this board has any answers to what is really happening but I'm certain the real TRUTH is lost in the details, innuendo, half truths, and lack of disclosure as well as the CEO's constant statements that 'itsa' coming. This is the death knell statement that will destroy PTSC and allow it to be taken over by TPL for .25 - .30 cents a share and payoffs to the present BOD membership. Dan Leckrone may prove to be the wolf in sheeps clothing. My present belief is that Leckrone and the BOD are crooks that are making huge amounts of money at shareholder expense.

Be Well Yourself

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