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You say:

"You keep pointing out that B Biajj has not responded to you so he must be "afraid of you" or "he must realize that you are right and he is wrong" or some other crazy reason in your mind as to why he hasn't responded to you."

When have I ever said such a thing? Or even implied it?

True, to my knowledge he has never replied to any of my posts recently. I certainly don't think he's afraid of me. And perhaps he actually thinks he's right and I'm wrong. All I ask is for him to tell me where I'm wrong. Please. I offer YOU and anyone else the same opportunity.

I've never, ever said that my conjecture is absolutely true and correct. I offer arguments and observations supporting my conjecture - which I go as far as calling "delusional". It remains delusional until it is tested via discussion, or reality smacks us in the face.

You offer another possible reason for his resignation. Thank you! And it is a good "possibility", and it would warrant a resignation. Three years?

And I'm grateful for his input, which defies logic, sound reasoning and facts. 26 cents worth.

And you apparently share the opinion that I was too harsh. I could have been much harsher about his effectiveness, and blamed it all on him. I didn't. Now read your post. Harsh? "Hallow" is probably a better word.

I do not claim to be a "know-it-all". I ask - actually beg - for alternative views and criticism of my conjecture. But the person you're defending...."know-it-all" and insults anyone with an alternative view.

And believe me, if I "knew it all" I would have no need or desire to post.


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