Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to patriotism's message

Just getting home from midnight Ressurection services, so odd for me to be posting at this hour. But for all Orthodox Christians, Happy Easter & Xristos Anesti!

Wow, we really do have a communication gap between us, because what you post is not at all what I mean. I'll take responsibility for that since I'm the one that brought this up to begin with.

What I mean with respect to TPL's expenses is NOT that those NON-MMP related expenses are zero. In your example, I would infer that TPL's NON-MMP endeavors like Intellasys and Alliacense's efforts for CORE & FLASH have generated ZERO income. I don't think you really mean that, nor do I think it's true. What I mean in my example, is that the income that TPL has generated from its non MMP activities covers its non-MMP expenses, and provides it with a net profit, since before it collected a dime of MMP money, it was a working company. So if my stipulation weren't true, unless it was running at a consistent loss, it had to support itself. Therefore, my stipulation that all its MMP related activities stand alone.

With that being said, any expenses that TPL has DUE to MMP activities, get paid by PDS IN FULL. So it has no NET expense, and in fact should be making a profit on its licensing and defense activities related to MMP as it should be charging overhead and profit on those bills to PDS.

The tax issue I've conceded is a reach, but I'm sticking with the concept that they have found a way to defer the tax on the $115M profit. This is only so that I can consider the full $115M as available for future acquisition activity it might be planning.

Now another major miscommunication is that you understood me to mean that that $115M went into buying stock. That's absolutely NOT what I mean. I mean to say is that TPL would have $115M in an account ready for acquistion of MMP or PTSC. The stock purchases I mentioned in my last post would be individuals at TPL buying in their personal accounts with their OWN money, but with the idea/strategy that they could ultiimately have voting rights to approve a takover, or to sell shares to TPL for a takeover. It was pointed out that that would probably be against SEC rules, and it probably/hopefully is, but based on what we see people get away with these days, this seems like something that can be worked around, at least in my mind. Either way, the idea of purchases already being made is NOT a necessary component, and NOT to have been done with the $115M I mentioned.

So I hope that clarifies what I think are some misconceptions between my intent and your interpretation. Again, I admit it's a reach, but I also am wary of TPL and its obvious control over the licensing & plubiczing of the MMP licensing and the possible detrimental effect that is having on the pps.

As an interesting note, though, 250M shares at 36 cents is only $90M. So doubling that to $180M gets TPL controlling interest in PTSC by offering weary investors 70 cents per share. Considering another year of $50M in license fees, provides the equivalent of almost all of that $180M to have come from MMP activities in my scenario, TPL would essentially have finances gaining control of the MMP solely from MMP licensing proceeds.

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