Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to dellbrid's message

Probably more of interest were these two speakers yesterday...


[201] Keynote: Today's Trends and Tomorrow's Realities in Intellectual Property

Speaker: Jon Dudas (Director, United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO))

Date/Time: Wednesday (April 16, 2008)   8:30am — 9:15am
Location (room): Regency Ballroom 2

As Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property (IP), Jon Dudas helps shape IP policy on many fronts, both domestically and globally. So, he provides a rare perspective on recent Supreme Court decisions regarding IP, proposed patent modernization legislation, and trends in IP protection and enforcement around the world, including in China.

As Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office, Mr. Dudas leads the 8,900-person agency in administering IP law. From that viewpoint, he discusses the future of patents and trademarks, and how some companies across all industries are viewing their IP portfolios more strategically to create greater value and innovation.
Jon Dudas, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property (IP)
Track: Technology Track
Audience Level: Introductory


232] Managing IP Portfolios in Mergers and Acquisitions.
Speaker: Colleen Taylor (Reporter, Mergermarket US), Mona Sabet (Vice President and General Counsel, Coverity, Inc.), Michael Murphy (Partner, IP and Technology Transactions, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati), Moshe Gavrielov (President & CEO, Xilinx, Inc.)
Date/Time: Wednesday (April 16, 2008)   4:30pm — 5:30pm
Location (room): Hillsborough


A panel of legal and business experts will discuss the value of intellectual property in business transactions and the importance of IP due diligence in acquisition and spin off transactions particularly. In the technology world, complicated business transactions such as acquisitions require an in depth review and analysis of the intellectual property necessary to operate the business. This analysis is commonly called a due diligence review and requires input from legal, business and technical experts. If you don’t prepare your intellectual property portfolio to withstand such a review, the process can be intense and stressful, and both friends and foes are made! The panel will talk about their experiences in preparing for complicated business transactions such as acquisitions and spin offs, and how intellectual property can affect the value and outcome of these transactions.

Moderator: Colleen Taylor, Reporter, San Francisco Bureau, Mergermarket US, Part of the Financial Times Group
Track: Business Track
Audience Level: Introductory

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